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Everything posted by adios

  1. I think it's fair to say that's a classic. There's fuck all extras, my copy has the same 6 episodes on 2 different discs , though the rediculous "play episode 4 backwards" & "play episode 2 miniature" or whatever is inspired. The sketch where they hire stupid a stupid to pick up a car from the impound is another that had me in hysterics.
  2. You should introduce Leazes to the concept of copy & paste tbh.
  3. Their take off of Chris Morris' Jam (Goiter) is fucking hilarious, it's included on the Jam DVD.
  4. Might also be considered less negative than playing Luque up front. I see Rooney said Rossi may be the best finisher at Man U today, so I'd like to see what a pair of midgets can do for us.
  5. I think I've just decided where militant pro-lifers should live.
  6. adios

    I am CrimsonFault

    Isn't that really easy? I was wondering if that's what you two nerdlings were on about.
  7. I really don't think you want to know, but if you do it's the first definition on this page: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...monroe+transfer It makes water sports sound quite attractive, consider yourself warned.
  8. I thought Herod was the last person to actually suffer from that!
  9. How did you find out about it at the time, though? That's a fair question.
  10. If I race someone over 3 legs, and after the 1st leg I cut off both my opponents legs, is the race even over the last 2 legs?
  11. I've just remembered, my sister was divorced at 19 after 9 months, the happy slapper; top that.
  12. The intricacy of that font work is astounding.
  13. 194799[/snapback] harder harder harder.... 194810[/snapback]
  14. Tell me you're joking? The one in the middle is Frank Beard.
  15. No danger of that at Meenzer's pub quizes, though some of them may look like that at a glance.
  16. I'm the youngest of a set of 4, the oldest of a set of 2. They all in turn have semi-siblings that are nothing to me. Sluts, basically.
  17. Don't mess with the Encyclopaedia Toonica tbh.
  18. Mine's the worst I've experienced, that I can think of; was that not the question?
  19. Gerbilist! There was a backup in our sewage last week and they had to pump it out with a truck, smell was so bad it gave me a headache. Couldn't help thinking it wouldn't have smelt have as bad if it wasn't my sewage.
  20. I laugh every time it's suggested to me, CHAMPION!
  21. Got nothing on HTT tbh.
  22. 360 Hold 'em will also have video support soon, should be fun. One of the poker softwares I used today mentioned something about video in the options, but a quick search doesn't uncover anything.
  23. Nice one. I've tried to drag things back on topic from accumulators and left it talking about Saint's Row; result!
  24. Universally true, except for Leazes, obviously.
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