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Everything posted by adios

  1. I've long considered essemmbee to be our resident genius.
  2. adios


    We'll have to have a game at some point. I've been trying to get into it properly. Started off by reading what is basically a kids' book (Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess) and then moved straight on to Nimzo's My System which is...dense, to put it mildly. I've probably read about 20 pages.
  3. adios


    I didn't really make time for a long while but I actually have it on my daily schedule now to play a game or something similar. The workout stuff is also obviously part of the daily routine. Funny enough, the hobby side of things was one of the tasks I found myself most resistant to initially.
  4. Aye, the full context of his comments would be nice.
  5. Aye, I'm obviously on the wind up with the Nazi thing too. It's worth saying though, that plenty of people are seriously using this term to describe anything they deem offensive. It's normalising the term, which can surely only benefit actual Nazis.
  6. Continuing in @ewerk's vein, I'm not sure Gervais helps our case either.
  7. He's not wrong, like. Who cares if it's a cunt defending a cunt, surely the scariest people in this entire case are the fucking law? We both have a dark sense of humour meaning we could now be facing conviction for our (admittedly horrific) personalities. At least @Rayvin is going down for being a Nazi. And that's not even a "thin end of the wedge" argument. What the actual fuck is going on?
  8. Genes work on a probabilistic spectrum. Wrong'uns are just outliers on that bell curve. That's how evolution works by necessity, it's how we continue to evolve/mutate dynamically. The outliers never necessarily had a purpose, that's why kids are born with horrible deformities and mental illnesses exist. Though the latter is at least debatable depending on the seriousness of the disorder.
  9. This still just makes him sound like a nerd with a dark sense of humour. I assumed it'd be some white power thing. I'm ordering one for my living room as we speak.
  10. WTF is that flag btw?
  11. My leftie bleeding-heart liberal act is just cover for my extremist views. @Rayvin and I discuss it regularly.
  12. Twice today I've self-edited fairly innocuous statements for fear of the man knocking on my door. PC gawn mad.
  13. adios


    What do you get up to in your "hobby time", HMHM? Other than the obvious.
  14. BTW for anyone planning on starting or continuing serial murder, you're ok using Ancestry.com/23andme and the like, just skip the public ones like GEDmatch. You're welcome.
  15. I bet he wouldn't have uploaded his DNA to fucking GEDmatch either.
  16. Aye, if he was more measured he probably would have gotten away with it for a long time at least. He must not have fit the profile at all.
  17. Thankfully, most of them leave the freakiest stuff till after you're dead. You all have my permission to do whatever the fuck you want to my shell once I've left it. That's what makes BTK so disturbing to me.
  18. I'm as handsome as he was but that's where the similarity ends.
  19. Has it been pointed out yet that this thread was started on the anniversary of the TAKING OF THE FULWELL! essemmbee has it so I can't look at the thread without seeing it, you twat.
  20. adios


    Aye, it's basically smelly meditating.
  21. Is there an element of being driven to face our own fears, and all that is really left to be scared of is a sadist that can't be reasoned with? Someone who actually wants to watch you suffer in the most brutal ways possible. Even then, that doesn't describe most serial killers. Is your future-serial-killer nephew interested in serial killers like a lot of them are? Is that for a completely different reason or are we maybe not as different from them as we'd like to think?
  22. Let's see just how fucking obvious we can make it that we're aliens in skin-suits and the silly humans still won't see it. Half of them will even vote for us.
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