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Everything posted by adios

  1. Are the last 2 posts synonymous, then? Or an I thinking of autonyms...
  2. Wouldn't they be synonymous in this instance? If you're being literal then Wacky's view on everything is limited, you'll have to put him on your shoulders for a better look.
  3. Well, as long as it doesn't make any sense to you, judge away.
  4. Exactly what it says. If you've got some primal, morbid urge to watch a man's head being cut off then fine, at least admit it, don't dress it up as some sort of fascinating insight into human behaviour. So, knowing me as well as you do, there's absolutely no possibility that I'm just telling the truth?
  5. I felt a need to understand it, feel the same way about most things, most people don't. What I find difficult to understand is people who don't have that interest, but then project the conditions under which they would want to watch it onto me. We're not all the same, like. Anyone who thinks they don't need to see it to understand it has a more fertile imagination than I do.
  6. What is an "intellectual sounding excuse", anyway? Mongtastic!
  7. I think it's important to understand what people are capable of. It sounds like I may have seen the same one described; numbing, gut-wrenching, can't really describe how bad it was to watch. I don't think you have to actually sit through a video of torture to understand what some people are capable of. I agree with Spongebob in that if I knew what a link ocntained and it was of extreme cruelty/murder/violence I would choose not to watch it. I agree, that's just an intellectual sounding excuse for an urge to see horrific things. I don't watch these videos at all, they make me sick. Em, no it's not, cheers for the judgement, though.
  8. And the number of fucking nutcases that sit and watch it out of morbid curiosity!! Best wank I ever had tbh.
  9. I think it's important to understand what people are capable of. It sounds like I may have seen the same one described; numbing, gut-wrenching, can't really describe how bad it was to watch.
  10. adios


    The Thick of It, worth a look?
  11. I'd rather Freddie had a Snickers tbh. Looking at him and Clark in the dugout makes me cringe. Was Clark actually chewing baccy last night btw? That or half a pie. If it was gum he must have shoved the entire pack of Hubba Bubba in his face.
  12. I hope he's all right, seems a top bloke, bet he'd rather be doing that job and taking the risk than pretty much anything else, though. I like all of the presenters and think Top Gear and Extras are top-notch. I'm not sure everyone in the UK realise how lucky they are with the quality of the BBC.
  13. adios


    The odd looking fashion obsessed one out of Mighty Boosh. Does he have Tourette's?
  14. adios


    Aye, sorry again for losing it a bit. I went over the top because I'd explained a complex issue in a couple of paragraphs when, as I said, it really needed a book (single words to encompass entire religions ffs!). I then felt that what you were picking at wasn't "de big oideas", but more inane things. For example "battle" is not the most outrageous metaphor in a thread about muslims, wrapping up a paragraph discussing the potential dominance of Catholicism over the other religions. Given that you're one of the few people on here who follows me when I go off on one, when you decided to highlight that I felt you were fighting the argument on all fronts, as opposed to giving it a fair whack. You do come across like you have a real issue with organised religion (as I do too) and are maybe more unwilling than usual to give this an objective once over. I don't expect or even want to change anyone's mind, but you wanted to know why I had this view and I put it as succinctly as I possibly could without spending too much time on it, I'm quite happy for it to be taken apart, just not at that level. You're most likely right about your faith in humanity, I would be hard pressed to find anyone with less faith than me.
  15. adios


    Because miniature Nigerians are hilarious.
  16. adios


    Can you give an example, because I have you down as someone who tends to tar all interlocutors with the same brush in debates like this. I don't know exactly when I formed that opinion, so it could be innacurate, but I'm unlikely just to have invented it.
  17. adios


    The fact that all societies, some of them independently, have created very similar things suggests that it can not just have come from nowhere, by chance, and become deep seeded. What is your understanding of evolutionary psychology? Have you been drinking, because you're coming across like an obnoxious arsehole, to be honest. I was trying to give you some credit.
  18. adios


    Have you been drinking?
  19. Yep. Emre's shown a bit more dirve than usual going forward, and then given the ball away, as usual. Apart from that there's nothing going on. Is Martins carrying an injury, or what? I've decided the solution is to loan him out to Everton for his next game, we are the nurses of opposition striker's confidence, healers of those barren spell ails, and our defence will undoubtedly turn him into a world-class player in one match.
  20. adios


    That the issue's maybe slightly more complex than that.
  21. Baba's looked the all right to me, like. Don't know what the fuck you're on about.
  22. adios


    2.4 children with utter anarchy is also not useful to humanity.
  23. Proper parenting! I'm pro-choice, it should be in a parents arsenal, but a last straw. I agree about the frustration bit.
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