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Everything posted by adios

  1. adios


    There's a rumour doing the rounds. I don't believe it personally.
  2. adios


    Rafa's probably giving Manquillo one last run out before he ships him off to the glue factory.
  3. I'll box your feckin' ears alright. /ewerk
  4. adios


    I'm already on to Michael D. about that.
  5. adios


    You're thick enough.
  6. adios


    I'd like to know how his tiny mind works. How does he make the leap from tomatos to potatos? I have an image of thumbhead sitting there singing to himself "you thay thomathos, I thay pothathos". The depressing alternative is that he's actually just been scanning posts for the last four hours.
  7. adios


    Like an aggressively retarded spell check.
  8. He's taken massive offence to being an illiterate buffoon and gone hunting for hours for spelling mistakes.
  9. So what are your 2 cents?
  10. This one's making CT look like an intellectual heavyweight. Remember when we thought he was being deliberately obtuse?
  11. Every time I read @ewerk and @Renton discuss Corbyn all I hear now is Michelle Wolf screeching "did you used to date him?"
  12. Accountants rioting, bare-chested in the streets. RAWRRRR!
  13. I'm sure SC was just about to tell us his plans for new progressive taxation to cover the shortfall. Surely his logic can't be as simple as "because growth"?
  14. As you've so humbly pointed out, you're not an economist, but you are somehow an Austrian economist (that actually makes an ironic sort of sense tbh).
  15. Oh fleecing, yes I'm familiar with that term. I'm sorry, I hadn't made the connection.
  16. I don't understand, I thought 20% was realistic because that's the rate in reality. And for future reference when you say "ideally" you are just fantasising? You should dream bigger tbh.
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