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Everything posted by adios

  1. He unfortunately did not make Parker in his own image.
  2. It's too late now, trying to wipe away the tears with his tiny arms has no doubt sent him over the edge.
  3. When we had Keegan I didn't realise that defenders were important Pretty handy for lobbing Schmeichel, but that's about it.
  4. Fuck off, man, the only apology that's going to make you look less of a tit is the one to Mark!
  5. I'm a Keeganite, I didn't even realise he used to be a footballer until just now; and he played for Newcastle, what are the odds?
  6. Poor Mark suffers while this travesty goes unnoticed? Oh, the humanity!
  7. I studied Old English. Should know better, then.
  8. Emm...crack is a perfectly acceptable spelling, Old English, look it up. If you're going to be a pedant, you really need to be sure you know what you're on about, trust me.
  9. I'll admit, you've out-obscured me here, I don't know what your last 2 posts are about. Is that last one Oscar Wilde's middle initials? Oh, and sorry Bobby, we really have derailed this thread.
  10. No, his arse would smart though. Over your head tbh Cut off my legs and turn me upside down, I'd be Einstein tbh.
  11. You reckon people get smarter as they get shorter? How tall are you?
  12. I challenge you to find me saying something obscure, random-a-plenty, but nothing obscure, I put in the Ballard reference just for you, it's not my fault you're reading above your level.
  13. Fuck off, man, I've just said I'm not Parky!
  14. What, were you trying to be too clever about it or something? It just reminded me of him, we can't all be Parky, for God's sake!
  15. Ballard's fascination with technology and the darker side of humanity, particularly sexuality etc. I wasn't laughing at you btw, I just thought of Ballard, thought there was probably no point in saying it, but did anyway.
  16. That reference was specifically for you, as well!
  17. Denial is the first stage, apparently.
  18. Never heard it called that before. It's a bit J.G. Ballard tbh.
  19. No points for the giant cock hanging off your face tbh. Anyway, I've had you independently evaluated, and you're officially mental, so I win.
  20. The links: She seems to think Renton's lost it, and who are we to disagree? She may have meant Noelie, but she gets no extra credit for that, Major in Psychology or not.
  21. adios


    How is Geordie Nirvana these days? (Not you, Keith)
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