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Everything posted by adios

  1. Probably more the confidence and authority you speak with about so many subjects you evidently know little about. Don't think anyone's doubting that you're somewhat knowledgeable and well-travelled.
  2. Keep up with the English anyway, you're doing GREAT.
  3. What language do they speak in Gateshead, anyway?
  4. Matt's going to have a nervous breakdown when he sees this post.
  5. adios

    Oi Fish!

    I don't understand this picture, has he caught a gay?
  6. How is my view unbalanced, exactly? I didn't ask your age for any other reason than to satisfy my own curiosity.
  7. I love how these cats have taken over our internets.
  8. This means you Gemmill, in case you didn't catch that! Don't be a playa hata, homie.
  9. You know that's not what I asked, though, right? I know, but I don't enable haters. Sick of defending Martins - if you can't tell he's one of the class players out there in black and white, there's no point in talking it to death. Emm...how am I a hater? I gave you a chance to show a balanced view, a "fanboy" is just as irrational as a "hater". How old are you btw, if you don't mind me asking?
  10. If we're judging him on his performances under Roeder and Souness, we're going to be having a fucking big clearout in January.
  11. Pretty sure it's the artist formerly known as Dan btw. And I agree, I would have expected Emre to at least be introduced in the second half.
  12. lol injokeaments © spongebob Caught the bug then, Matt?
  13. How many people still think Milner will ever be good enough for a top 4 or even top 6 side btw? Shame like; good, honest, hard working player, so inconsistent with his final pass.
  14. What's with the censorship? You gay or something?
  15. Don't forget what the respective managers inherited at the start of the season.
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