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Everything posted by adios

  1. That was a lovely story marra but i dont get what one unclean mackem has to do with anything ? I used to know a tosser of a geordie who beat his poor wife black and blue and nearly killed her ....does that mean all geordies are wife beaters? yes
  2. 7-1 best odds I can see on relegation, cracking value
  3. You about Monday night? Old Rope at the Phoenix near Oxford Circus if you're keen? Even let you bring your better half I'll only just have got back so it's most likely a no, but I'll holler if we feel like glittering up your humdrum life for a few fleeting hours. Really must get together soon either way. July's been mental but the first few weeks of August are invitingly calm right now. now there's a fucking euphemism
  4. adios


    Giraffidae would refuse to debate it because all it is, is a right wing rag trying to manifest racial hatred over a masonic nation. well, there's always one or two that think "aliens done it" or something equally sensible, especially on the internet please tell me there's a working machine gun under that
  5. adios


    this is the kind of article that generates 20 pages of argument between people who basically agree about it I'd be surprised if anyone on this board would argue with deporting people who spew this kind of hatred for the country they've supposedly adopted?
  6. This really, it does highlight how light we are defensively. You can kid yourself with young players like Tavernier and Ferguson being good backups, but we need more depth. Tavernier and Simpson both had awful games against championship wingers. And a cb partnership of Williamson/Taylor is just slow and shit, they both made mistakes today and they will continue to do so. Especially Willo has been made to look decent by playing next to Coloccini who is the perfect player to have next to him. I really wish we woulda gone for one proper centreback who's strong in the air. Aswell as someone who could push Simmo onto the bench while being able to cover left back. massive difference in where their preseason is. agree about the centre back situation
  7. adios


    what's an atypical stereotype look like?
  8. Most of the reviews I've seen put the galaxy ahead, and apparently there are some RAM issues with the sensation. I'm leaning this way too, it's just my heart saying htc for some undoubtedly retarded reason
  9. why do the conservatives always get the better looking ones btw
  10. J69 is obviously the prettiest, but I might have a go at fucking the lesbian out of stevie.
  11. I'm trying to decide between that and the sensation
  12. of course, but there a lot, lot more who have no interest in the country than you think, they are the silent majority. Some of you on here appear to think that because they say nothing, they are not there, but they are, ignoring it or pretending it is not there is easier. Genuine question here: how do you know? I'd be far more inclined to believe it if I knew how come you're so sure. it's true, but you don't expect the govt to make such figures available. Do you ? I'm asking how you know. That's all. this one seems to have gotten lost in the mire. I'm also genuinely interested in the answer. leazes?
  13. deadman defo one of my top 5 favourite posters on here
  14. I think that option was a fiver more than the top package when I looked, which might be why they didn't do it automatically
  15. you look like anyone with their nostrils shot at that angle tbf
  16. probably one of the women. toonraider springs to mind.
  17. suck on THISSSSSSSS Virgin wasn't my first choice, but were by far the fastest to get in. Agree with Laz about BeThere or Aquiss if you can get FTTC as being the top rated options how long can you actually use that speed for until your throttled? only had it a few weeks but there's defo plenty of throttling and shaping going on. only thing I've really noticed so far is that I can't stream iplayer hd during peak hours, which I should be able to. I would imagine it would fuck with torrents pretty badly, but have yet to test it as I just stream things these days. Aquiss would have been a better option for that reason, but I just couldn't want what would have amounted to over a month to make it happen.
  18. suck on THISSSSSSSS Virgin wasn't my first choice, but were by far the fastest to get in. Agree with Laz about BeThere or Aquiss if you can get FTTC as being the top rated options
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