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Everything posted by adios

  1. fully expect him to show up at the next friendly with a c4 vest tbh
  2. best netflix original so far, and I'm a huge arrested development fan
  3. so wish the english ones did this, or at least I did before I was dry
  4. that's very kind of you, but I've been a bit of a dick since I came back tbh and before for that matter
  5. always had robert on hand to knock him out too @pl
  6. used to get them all the time from doing pills, haven't had one (of either) in years
  7. I've actually considered living there, but mainly so I could keep an assault rifle under my pillow
  8. ecigs aren't generally viewed as a cessation aid. they're a healthy (hopefully) vehicle for your nicotine fix.
  9. jesus wept at thinking I missed that
  10. big fucking patch or not, smart arse?
  11. who did mention intelligence?
  12. he clearly was joking, you clearly need to go back and read the exchange and probably take more, or less of what you're on
  13. wtf is this business going on underarm? looks like he has some loo roll stuck to it
  14. the casinos are equally rigged (actually some of the payouts on those slots are less unattractive)
  15. yeah I keep meaning to go to the wsop, but never get around to it really want to go, but a lot of people tell me I'll probably hate it
  16. that's an excellent system btw, as long as you have an infinite bankroll and no bet limit
  17. was going to mention the martingale system talking to fish earlier
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