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Everything posted by adios

  1. adios


    I was going to say only certain types of disreputable companies would be interested, but then I remembered who we were talking about
  2. adios


    Billy ‘The Billboard’ Gibby is an amateur boxer with 19 company logos tattooed on him. The 29 year old is the first person in the world to have an advert for a website inked on his cheeks! He got into it when he started to give blood, his attention grabbed by the plight of people waiting for transfusions and organ replacements. He gave blood every two weeks and signed up to be an organ donor after his death, but still wanted to do more. After surfing the web he found a profile of a woman that needed a kidney and went on to find he was a perfect match. But due to geography he couldn’t afford the flight, so inspired by Ricky Hatton’s temporary tattoo in a boxing match, he got GoldenPalace.com tattooed on his back and earned the money for the flight, donated the kidney and now continues to make money getting company logos tattooed on him. [
  3. great show, might give weeds another go after seeing that (same creator). cheers for the link, ant, will give that a go this evening.
  4. adios


    people get ads tattooed on their heads for 10k or less too, so amazingly it could be worse!
  5. is williamson gone/going? defo need 4th choice replaced by someone with a t least some experience. and a 4th fullback (or do I mean wingback ) if dummett's not close enough?
  6. how fucking closely are you looking at that picture?
  7. adios


    still probably the least stupid thing he's ever done
  8. do the training facilities seriously not have a pool? barbarians!
  9. that kid looks pretty intense
  10. I think the problem is more that his brain is a black spot
  11. aye, it's a big place as apartments go, but all the rooms are in use
  12. dont have room for treadmill, weights, even a bike. no where to tidy that stuff away. no room for a swimming pool for that matter also moving around quite a bit, it's a pain to have a lot of big stuff. I'm sure I could do better but it's right in the apartment complex.
  13. btw if anyone wants an excellent free language learning site: http://www.duolingo.com/
  14. jfc, I pay 85 for my gym, but that's london. is that fairly normal for here? it's nothing special.
  15. corporatism needed bailing out. regarding corporations as legal entities, politicians being in bed with them, allowing lobbying by them at all. corporatism is evil, capitalism is natural. I guess corporatism is natural as well, which is why it needs to be legislated against, but I'm all ears and open to what we could possibly replace capitalism with.
  16. I'm not saying the monarchy influences it either way, I'm saying they don't have any effect at all. I know it's mainly anecdotal and I've never looked into it, but there are too many cases of people who perform poorly academically and are clearly smart. obviously there is a correlation between IQ and academic achievement, I'm mainly taking umbrage because if it's an exact measure of IQ, then I'm a fucking moron.
  17. don't know how you do it. any time I've tried to have a real one again, they taste so vile and unhealthy compared to the ecig. what ecig are you using?
  18. that's an extremely ignorant statement unless you know a lot more than just the facts you have stated. though I will grant you it's odd that someone given every possible opportunity in life would fail.
  19. as a neutral, I think england is a far more decent country than a lot of others. I love living in a country where even the right wing can support gay marriage for instance. the US has no monarchy and yet england are, for me, head and shoulders above them in decency stakes. yes they have a lot of inherited wealth due to capitalism, which by the way is the best system we have come up with to date. yes corporatism needs to be clamped down on, and in particular its role in politics.
  20. comparing him to maldini isn't exactly saying he has what it takes to be a professional sorry, here you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paolo_Maldini
  21. this is how I feel about coke zero etc, very suspicious
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