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Everything posted by adios

  1. I'm thinking someone ( ) altered that post before you did tbf.
  2. Aye, the only thing it might be evidence of is the skill-gap closing causing higher variance but I've previously argued the opposite about the skill-gap so...
  3. TBF to Dan, it's a serious outlier (like >95% I think) for a whole season to result in someone like Leicester winning the League. Yes, a team that isn't quite the best can easily have that run of luck, but for a not-so-great side to do it takes something rather bizarre.
  4. Have to agree with Fish. I think it's a statistical anomaly. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have been struggling at the other end of the table either side of that season. Great teams don't do that.
  5. Capitalism knows well what a line is and goes off to do one off the cistern.
  6. I reckon the paedo-enablers will be just fine (until they all burn in hell for eternity of course).
  7. Well the CoE apparently has an investment fund of £6bn.
  8. This obviously varies from country to country, but the organisations (not the staff) are worth many billions.
  9. Go anywhere? The cheeky cunt.
  10. Yep. I also don't think religious institutions should be tax-exempt if they exclude any citizen of their country for any reason (which is their prerogative).
  11. Is anyone else seeing double or is it just us mong-eyed fuckers?
  12. I'm happy as long as I can watch tbh.
  13. You can just say "hurrrrr pothatho hurrrrrr gingure" randomly because you know where they're from. Well, you can, because that's all you do, but it's not a good...looks? Up your game.
  14. You've remembered that analogy wrong from one of your marginally more evolved brethren. Close though, the Nazis love that one. Also, your Nan was a tinker, you thick, racist, fuckplug.
  15. Do Birmingham have the infrastructure to print and distribute leaflets yet or are we stuck airdropping these pics of White Power Dicky from above?
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