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Everything posted by adios

  1. foreign keeganite here, still feel a bit awkward saying 'we' but I guess I've served my time.
  2. god knows why am looking forward to tonight's mauling. just excited for the new season I guess.
  3. looking at that list you can see why he's favourite.
  4. adios


    this. still have a gimmick account for all the apps that use it as a login, but thatls it. was on it for a year, did not get it at all.
  5. time to short apple! is giffgaff better than three's all you can eat plan?
  6. any alcoholic beverage will do the job eventually. bloody mary is a good shout though.
  7. you know what'll cure that?
  8. I wonder how easy it would be to remove. or just change it to WANKA.
  9. I don't think it'll be used again. they were putting it in the shop window.
  10. don't forget debuchy's defensive howler, still to be convinced he's got what it takes defensively. we're going to get pardew'd at city. positives: solid defence apart from that howler, good passing in midfield. absolutely no cutting edge in the final 3rd, but rémy will help there. dummett looks good. jonas is done, and don't get the sammy love. he seems like a lovely chap, like his brother, and will probably have a similar career.
  11. no fucking patch on the back either.
  12. yeah, I would buy it if it weren't for the wonga logo.
  13. rumours of the first of three prequels being released next year.
  14. did find this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=freemoviesapp.com&hl=en
  15. I looked on there and on youtube, but can't see the free ones
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