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Everything posted by adios

  1. Cheers for the recommendation. It seems like I might have to begrudgingly go for an S7 Edge. The battery life seems to be head and shoulders above the competitors. I think Samsung make great tech, their software is just bad.
  2. And when HF puts it like that, very believable they would destroy the career of an honest politician who didn't toe the party line, even today. One more thing to be concerned about. Cheers @@Happy Face
  3. Actually we've had computers since ~1850. And how big were these computers in the 30s exactly? And what were they capable of?
  4. That thing is ugly as fuck, but if it has battery life comparable with the S7, I'll get it. Vanilla Android trumps looks for me. I'm still using a 2013 Nexus 5 and love it, but I want a phone that can handle heavy usage for a whole day.
  5. I like this site, find it to be reliable: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rt-news/ Puts RT in the same basket as The Beeb and The Guardian.
  6. We can just chat on PS4 when the time comes to overthrow them.
  7. I'll send it on to the couple of Luddites I know who still use it. Is it bad that I don't really care anymore? Just seems like the cost of doing business these days, and is only really dangerous in a dystopian future where the likes of Trump and Le Pen get into power. I use Gmail too and everything else Google tracks; my DNA is on file too.
  8. I think people think "troll" too often when someone is such a mix of contrarian and lack of intelligence. I've seen plenty of them and I think they are, for the most part, genuine. It is nice that even the thickest of this site have mostly decent grammar, though.
  9. Congrats to @@Renton for not biting on that "empathy" comment by the way. Obviously not on the sauce yet.
  10. Like I'm going to make it that far. I also don't have kids and don't intend to, so it's a lot easier to stay Left.
  11. Ah right. Quick google had me wondering wtf those weird yellow creatures had to do with Shelvey.
  12. Don't worry too much. I'm 38 and if anything am moving further left. I think it's called empathy
  13. Very happy to have no feckin' idea what that is. I'm sure Gemmill's spoiled it for me though.
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