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Everything posted by adios

  1. I'm sure he was/is a decent player given his history, but we never saw anything but a few neat passes in all his time at Newcastle.
  2. That can't be real, can it?
  3. Aren't you in your 30s? Did you seriously just use 'virgin' as an insult? Agree about bringing back Kevin.
  4. Anyone ever had a dream they weren't human? Once had a dream I was a metal ball being chased through glass walls by some evil all-powerful corporation. Figure that one out, Freud.
  5. Favourite moment from last night, to counter his "30 years you did feck all" rhetoric. She just went decade by decade ending with - when I was helping black kids, your were evicting them. When I was getting Bin Laden, you were hosting Celebrity Apprentice. SLAM. He also gave her grief for repeating a point "you said that already" when he's like a fucking belligerent doll that repeats the same 6 phrases when you pull his string.
  6. Anyone watch him last night btw? His comments on accepting the results of the election were pretty terrifying. I can totally see him being King of Thailand.
  7. I'm with you on most things, but that's clearly a joke, like.
  8. You'll have to give me a little while longer not to see disaster around every corner. "A little while" in geological terms, to be clear.
  9. tbf I'd expect any professional to publicly back management while privately asking for positive change. He's still a massive, massive cunt like.
  10. Finished 3-1 to Preston; fantastic. I was really expecting them to win that one.
  11. When you're on the page with the list instead of pics, open the left slideout menu. Change "View:List" to "View:Thumbnail" (you'll see your other options theee too). Exactly. Just avoid them unless you really want one as otherwise you'll end up bloating your device with a load of crap you don't need and slow everything down.
  12. I mean, you could just play CT bingo by selecting a post at random from his posting history and mock him for it, so what's the point?
  13. Speaking of which, wtf was with Periscope switching to streams of half-naked women every time a stream went down?
  14. Yeah, Diamé's an odd one. The only thing you can say for him (as Anderson was saying tonight) is that he doesn't hide. So Rafa must see enough in training to think he's better off with him and he'll come good?
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