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Everything posted by adios

  1. Mick Lowes' retirement has been the highlight of the season thus far.
  2. To be fair, we've had/have a glut of games since Leeds in late November all the way to end of February. Roughly every second game televised. Long may that continue. Looking forward to it too.
  3. Sony appear to have deemed me worthy again, so I'll try to get on for a few hours after the football.
  4. Happy belief-neutral festivities, fellow humans!
  5. I only complained about it today tbf to them. And looking online, there's people with the same problem for months.
  6. One of my Yank mates raved about it too. Cheers for the heads up. Might pick it up if I'm ever allowed back on PSN
  7. adios


    Well read on these matters tbs tbs. Happy Birthday!
  8. Has DK hacked Gemmill's account?
  9. I find it unlikely he's got done for calling someone a couscous cunt, and that would be utterly ridiculous. I really hope he hasn't said 'sand monkey', as it would make it quite difficult to support him. 'Smelly Arab' is bad, but if he's had a go at his disability you can understand him reacting like that.
  10. I loved it in spite of Apparently considering a second season too, which surprised me.
  11. Having spent to guts of 40 years trying to attain some semblance of work:life balance, I can't imagine ditching the work side of it. I need to solve problems and need a little risk. The former I can see finding in a Nursing home, the latter not so much. Hardly going to start jumping out of planes at 70.
  12. Anyone got any recommendations for skins? Does it even add anything of value?
  13. Do people really want to stop working anyway? I can't imagine doing it. Probably a good thing I feel that way given how fecking terrible I am with money.
  14. Jesus, that sounds like a barbaric way to do it.
  15. Aye, I don't expect it to count for anything, was just out of interest. And you should be grateful just for my presence on here tbh.
  16. I'm supposed to be going 2-1 to the home side every match but Fish is neglecting his duties.
  17. Fuck you all, I pay €1200 a year road tax, was £300 in the UK.
  18. Nah, it's not you. The official stream has always done that. Even when paying I often ended up switching to the pirate stream.
  19. You had better be taking the fucking piss... Even if it is obviously ironic.
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