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Everything posted by adios

  1. Is he living in Tony Montana's compound ffs? "Athlete flummoxed by 8 ft gate"
  2. Aye, I was thinking it was only fair to compare him to GW. Or even Clinton (Obama was an historic victory after all).
  3. Anita not even on the pitch and getting criticised from all corners. Dave will be livid.
  4. Best performance from Perez in a while too, though I guess we shouldn't get too excited about performances against what's essentially a League One side.
  5. Pleasantly surprised by Murphy. Thought he was just a big lump but he's got a bit of pace and good control about him as well as being able to hold it up/knock it on. Couldn't look any more Irish if he was wearing a potato on his head.
  6. Just noticed Yedlin's cross was volleyed in first time. Even GREATer.
  7. Biggest cunt I've ever met was US Passport Control. Still remember his name for when my list is put into action.
  8. Kodi > SportsDevil > FirstRowSports > NUFC v Rotherham > Link 2. If you're not on Kodi, same thing but go to firstrowsports.eu I assume.
  9. Great ball in; great control and cross from Yedlin; great turn and neat finish from Murphy; GREAT. Agree about Anita/Yedlin btw. Spent most of the match wondering wtf Rafa is doing choosing Anita over Yedlin.
  10. I'm such a nerd I thought you were talking about Rocket League tbh.
  11. Brighton were the better team with 10 men tbf, and somehow finished with a man advantage.
  12. Brighton drawing and a man down with 15mins to go.
  13. Shocking results on Steam compared to recent versions, but people seem to like Touch a lot more.
  14. https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=footballmanagerii0ivii Great site for setting up a Waitlist if you're willing to wait.
  15. People these days in the West aren't going to risk as much as even the worst off of us are pretty comfortable, so we'll not see it being effective.
  16. It's not always going to be as obvious as a military victory but off the top of my head: Vietnam? Gandhi?
  17. I ended up binge'ing all of The Living and The Dead this morning after intending to only watch one episode. Thought it was very enjoyable apart from a couple of clumsy bits of exposition. Don't think it's been mentioned before.
  18. Not really in the mood for slapstick tonight but cheers for the recommendation.
  19. Literal dogshit without Shelvey. How much is Rafa going to pay for a backup/challenger for his spot in the CL?
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