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Everything posted by adios

  1. If he knows his mindset is wrong this is actually the braver decision imo. You look at a couple of the lads who stepped up yesterday and you could see before they hit them they were going to fluff them.
  2. Mystery solved. Wolfy's been holding his breath in for far too long.
  3. I think Reading will do them anyway. My concern is they'll get a couple of players in that make them more effective. That and they've a couple of players I wouldn't mind Rafa going for.
  4. Don't get me wrong; I'm loving the bits I can be bothered to read.
  5. You can probably safely make it impeachment/assassination rather that impeachment: yes/no?
  6. Get in Fletcher. Changed my allegiances about two minutes in.
  7. Who are we supporting for this match? I think Huddersfield as they'll more likely lose to Stam's Reading.
  8. You believing in free will is somehow more incredible than flat earth/transgender agenda.
  9. Wait, the stars are a reflection of crystals inside the Earth?? How do we get from "I only trust things I can see with my own 2 eyes" to that... We're being trolled into oblivion here, lads.
  10. Fuck. @Dr Gloom should be the sponsor tbh, after all that willy-waving over the seemingly impossible task of winning the title.
  11. Also agree with this; love the back; love everything apart from the sponsor colour. I am a bit disappointed as this is the first shirt I was considering getting for ~15 years.
  12. Isn't red a lucky colour in China? Seems like a no-brainer change.
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