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Everything posted by adios

  1. Can't imagine him being a pundit until Jeremy Kyle has a football segment.
  2. At least he was a decent player. Sissoko's already booked the Red Arrows for his.
  3. We've finally found @The Fish's comedy account.
  4. I feel like getting it tattooed on my forehead after the last couple of years tbh.
  5. I deleted my Facebook account too years ago and only joined again a couple of years ago. I like to just use stuff for its positives and not bother with it otherwise. Twitter is excellent for news and little else. Facebook for staying in touch (but never actually browsing the feed). It's the same with smartphones. Incredibly helpful apps as long as you don't spend your life playing Candy Crush.
  6. I barely ever use it tbh. Only handy for messaging people and if someone from a past life wants to get back in touch. People do spend their fucking lives on it though, and I just can't comprehend it. Sounds like your mate's microblogging his life instead of living it. And I've probably completely fucked up the link anyway, couldn't figure out how to share it easily.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FVICE%2Fvideos%2F1675610205805564 @Renton will be seething.
  8. Thought these looked great till I saw the price. https://www.whathifi.com/news/beyerdynamics-to-launch-xelento-wireless-premium-bluetooth-in-ears
  9. Was with him up until 'Drake'. Hopefully he's got the skills to be a top player because he's certainly got the attitude. And obviously every time I hear something about Rafa I fall more and more in love.
  10. League Cup finalist losers used to get it until that cup went to shite. Now it goes to the next League position afair.
  11. I was watching that one with an Everton fan. Am I right in thinking that that was near the end, losing 1-0 and ended up winning 2-1?
  12. Bought the Championship though, right?
  13. You can stop people owning more than x% of the total reader/viewership. That's not pushing an editorial agenda, though I fear we'd end up in much the same place.
  14. I'm constantly questioning everything from my own sanity to the dancing elves at the bottom of my garden and I think you're daft as a brush.
  15. Pretty sure it's Kiefer Sutherland after that.
  16. Someone mentioned above; it's speaker of the house, Paul Ryan.
  17. It's one thing just sacking up and doing whatever it is for yourself, it's another making a decision that affects tens of thousands of people. I do question why a striker hasn't done the necessary work for this to be second nature to him. Just seems more like stupidity than cowardice.
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