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Everything posted by adios

  1. Can I kill Paxman instead?
  2. Looking forward to seeing that.
  3. The giant German defender nearly lost it for them.
  4. Have to feel for the fans in that situation. Imagine if that'd been us; I'd have died.
  5. Never has a match been more deserving of penalties. Whoever wins is going straight back down.
  6. Just, why? Won't be long before there's some kind of hand/stick-based ball game with those yokes. And I'll defo be watching that!
  7. adios


    Don't even start!
  8. adios


    Are you really going to make me write a formal treatise here? I guess I'm asking us to make some assumptions. Let me come back to you with something better thought out (if not quite a philosophical work). Thanks for the proper challenge btw. Maybe I can tag @Rayvin in for the weekend.
  9. Ref's got money on this. Great decision tbf.
  10. He was moving towards the ball initially. When he's that close to the ball, he's clearly going to have an impact on the goalkeeper. Edit: Only because he moved towards the ball, to be clear.
  11. Aye, and can't see how Ramsey isn't interfering with play there either.
  12. Refereeing controversy already...
  13. adios


    As you've said, the novelty move still came within the framework of the human mind and by extension the game. A better example would be if a player somehow broke the rules and the game continued as normal. Where do you think this will to power comes from? It's programmed, like anything else. I don't buy the lack of a priori either; I've laid it out, and you've yet to refute it (at least in my eyes).
  14. adios


    Highly successful man believes he's awesome!
  15. adios


    Your example is something that pre-sentient primitive AI can do?
  16. adios


    I don't believe in determinism either because God does play dice. But I keep getting back nebulous ideas that it must exist within this framework. Can you give me a solid example?
  17. adios


    Yes, I believe it's an illusion. You can choose something at odds with your experience only because that's what your machinery has decided it's time for. Waking up one day and saying this shit isn't for me, doesn't suggest free will. I don't see you listing anything outside of the realms of that machinery. Take any simple choice (probably best for argument's sake) and find something that we aren't choosing because of our chemicals/wiring/experiences. Show me the added element/s.
  18. adios


    But where does any of that depart from choosing based on biology reacting to prior/new knowledge? You seem to be saying that because he can go different routes, he therefore has the choice. I'm not saying A/B don't exist, I'm saying it's an illusion that they are based on anything other than what's come before.
  19. How can the most boring man in the World be such an odious little cunt?
  20. adios


    So how do we choose to nurture and explore?
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