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Everything posted by rebellious
Its because there skin has a healthy glow to it when there pregnant. Also their baps,nips and hips get bigger.
The cat kept walking over the table so i told it nicely 3 times to get off. Anyway it then just ignored me and went back on it as cats do, thats partly why i hate them. The dog listens cats don`t. Anyway I had a lighter in my hand at the time and lobbed it in the direction of the cat to make it jump. I forgot they explode Nearly blew my son up with it. I think the cat got the message.
Knowing my luck it will die of natural causes when shes away and i will get the blame.....i can see it now. I think i might buy it some fish or something on the way home.
rebellious' mot will return to find that has replaced her cat, will she notice the difference? 171873[/snapback] She would notice. She tricked me into letting her have it in the house. Its her family cat, she said it was 17yrs old and was on its way out. 2yrs later the fucker is alive. TBH i don`t need to kill it just maybe surgically remove its back legs and replace them with wheels so it can`t jump on the surfaces where i make dinner. Problem solved it lives but stays on the floor. 171893[/snapback] 17 in 'cat years' tbh 171895[/snapback] Are cat years like dog years ? 7-1
rebellious' mot will return to find that has replaced her cat, will she notice the difference? 171873[/snapback] She would notice. She tricked me into letting her have it in the house. Its her family cat, she said it was 17yrs old and was on its way out. 2yrs later the fucker is alive. TBH i don`t need to kill it just maybe surgically remove its back legs and replace them with wheels so it can`t jump on the surfaces where i make dinner. Problem solved it lives but stays on the floor.
Yes before i brush my hair in the morning.
Best..solution...ever! Here's a really efficient way to kill a cat, but I'd be shocked if anyone used it! 171852[/snapback] I know of one way too, but being an animal lover I'm not saying 171855[/snapback] I really have to get off this thread. The misses is off to scotland for a week next week leaving me to look after the cat. Its giving me ideas
Its got to be dogs. My misses cat is always walking over the kitchen surfaces living dirt everywhere, dirty fucking thing. I wouldn`t mind if they just stayed on the floor.
I can never be bothered to socialise. Small talk pisses me off, so i don`t talk much which makes people think i`m grumpy. I usually only join in a coversation if i have something to gain from it. If i do feel ill and chat to anyone its usually sarcastic.
Well not quite (apologies for the previous scandalous worng accusation) There was a rather robust discussion about homophobia going on and I put forward and defended a couple of interesting theories which we're widely debated and I finally wound with: Thank fuck for aids eh? with the accompanying smilie Obvious bait (albeit tasteless) , but nope "sick moron don't come back" etc etc etc 170956[/snapback]
I`ve gone with Luque. I think Shola has peaked to his best ability, back end of last season and pre-season. Luque has alot to offer. Luque needs to make it as we will lose too much money.
Welcome I've been taken to the old bill, just the once. I was 16, and I was in town. A copper came up and told me to pick some rubbish up (surely they can't do that). Needless to say it wasnt my rubbish, so i refused outright to do so. He grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me over to the rubbish (sure they can't do that either). So i shrugged him off, and called him a cunt , or a fucking cunt, I can't remember. He then cuffed me, and frog marched me through town, back to the police station (not even the dignity of a police car) I had to wait in a cell for a few hours until me mar turned up, i got swabbed and let back out into the wild 170907[/snapback] Thats out of order. Although they can arrest you for swearing, which i think is really petty.
You see this is what happens when they fuck about with the rules on N-O. We end up with fucking criminals! 170890[/snapback] I`m a changed man honest gov`ner.
Does he actually miss them. I thought the ref has to report it to his FA then they write to our FA then our FA decide what action to take.
Just got hold of a remix of knarls Crazy with Joe Budden.
It all comes across abit nerdy to me over there lately with all the rules.
My thought aswell. Good luck to him. Its a shame he wasn`t a bit more skillful. I hope we havn`t made a loss on him.
Apart from 11 points on my driving licence I have one for an offence weapon and one for possession both which are spent. It was when i was alot younger.