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zico martin

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zico martin last won the day on August 5 2017

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About zico martin

  • Birthday 09/09/1971

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  1. That's the channel number on my stick. You found it?
  2. Hmmm, what sport should they be allowed to compete in then?
  3. Found it (almost) unwatchably jerky tbh, better than nothing though, didn't exactly miss much
  4. Isn't getting them off the wage bill the major factor here though?
  5. Surely all this amounts to an exciting deadline day for the first time in years? #siberski
  6. I haven't done an EPL team for a while, how much to join? Prize money?
  7. Yeah saw them in Cardiff a couple of years ago. They were amazing as always
  8. And his in my dream team so no complaints here. Gordon off the bench with the winner would do for me!
  9. If only I could think of any other managers who it's recently been announced are leaving their post in the summer, and who have been managing for 2 decades eh? 😉
  10. Alleged abuse took place 2 decades ago though so can't be him?
  11. 🙄 jeez, give him a big hand!
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