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zico martin

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zico martin last won the day on August 5 2017

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About zico martin

  • Birthday 09/09/1971

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  1. Kinda bored Isaak wouldn't have been tested until the cup final tbh, hope he keeps away from any bother today!
  2. Family shouldn't be included in a valentines meal mate, she'll be spewing with you!
  3. It really is and he doesn't care about people thinking any different. Shocking stuff
  4. Shit, didn't you guys used to sing that song about Noah in junior school? Damn, kids these days 😉
  5. I still always 'who beats his wife, Shilton! Shilton!' Whenever i see that fucker (To the tune of 'who built the ark' for those youngsters amongst us)
  6. We want it more than they do. Spurs would want it more than they do. Think this is the best result tbh, we've shown we can out think them already this season and will do again 😀
  7. Thankfully i can walk to work everyday now which gets my steps in. I do work from home mind but it all helps!
  8. That's the channel number on my stick. You found it?
  9. Hmmm, what sport should they be allowed to compete in then?
  10. Found it (almost) unwatchably jerky tbh, better than nothing though, didn't exactly miss much
  11. Isn't getting them off the wage bill the major factor here though?
  12. I haven't done an EPL team for a while, how much to join? Prize money?
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