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About Jimbo

  • Birthday 08/06/1974

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  • Location
    Houston, Texas

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  1. its hard to even begin to put in to words how terrifying this is, even living in Texas which has always been Trumnpistan to a certain extent, this just feels different, it feels like someone or something has died. I'm not sure what I'm more fearful of, having to live here or the thought of being deported. I've lived here 14 years now and a green card holder due to marriage, I didn't pull the trigger on citizenship due to the sense that my UK passport might one day be my get out of jail card. I'm not sure if its a blessing or a curse. I'm now wondering what will happen to the long term safety of my job, with Musk on board I could see them winding down NASA in favour of SpaceX, at very least maybe making that loon the NASA administrator, it feels like something that might be sacrificed which just adds to the horrific sense of doom.
  2. He's off his tits on something, thats for sure.
  3. Grandpa needs sectioning lol
  4. I use mine as a counter weight, so if I switch arms mid wank it doesn't alter my strokes per minute.
  5. Currently enjoying "Sunny" and "Dark Matter" both on AppleTV+.
  6. has anyone got a spare room?
  7. Agreed, especially in a country where there is essentially a two party system and candidates who are utterly polarizing, you'd think you'd know who you were backing, unless you were firmly in the none of the above category
  8. I think regardless of the Democratic candidate, this event has galvanized Trump's support, if its not too late already its shit or bust.
  9. Christ, the morons on Facebook didn't waste a second.
  10. I honestly think we are already in one, a cold one.
  11. to be fair, the chances of the bullet exposing his brain were remote to say the least.
  12. Thats him re-elected, we are officially fucked.
  13. looks like the kind of movie you see for sale on DVD at the checkout aisle at a garden centre.
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