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Everything posted by yacko8
JawD, i said i would show the photo re-done, so have a butchers. Had this put onto a large canvas & am happy with the result. The only thing i would of changed would be the bigger lad wearing a lighter top to stand out from the background Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Quality thread this. Xmas '81
Cracking Result. I'd of been happy with a low scoring loss before the game........but after Raylors free kick!!! not a chance. Anyone else mightily impressed with McEachran? Future england boy i reckon. Shola's header, quality, he didnt even need to check if it was going in.
Tony Blair was on the right tracks but got it wrong....if he'd said "everyone's middle income nowadays" he'd have been more accurate if you ask me. You can have done the university thing, got a graduate traineeship, made a meteroric rise through the ranks of a ftse top 100 comapany, married Jemima, the Roedean educated daughter of the finance director, got the townhouse,got,got the villa in Tuscany,got the Porsche Cayenne and dozens of immigrant staff to look after the two of you and your 2.4 children and your fuckin golden retreiver....but if you were brought up in Wallsend where your old man worked as a light plater in Swan Hunters and your mam as a dinner lady theres still fuck all middle class about you I disagree tbh But there are very few people working class these days. To put it in perspective, when I was a baby my dad used to have to ride his bike from CLS to Bishop Auckland to get to work as he couldn't afford the bus. Seriously. He used to steal coal off the slag heap to keep the house warm when interest rates went up to 15%, and used to hide from the gas man behind the sofa. These days the 'working classes' have the full sky package, broadband, flat screen, 3 takeaways a week, 2 cars on the drive. Times are easier nowadays, no doubt about that. And a lot of traditional "working class" industries have gone forever. But the word "class" is a bit of a red herring for me. I'm capable of and do earn a salary that would definetly put me in the "middle class" bracket....but I get my hands dirty every day for it (sparkie), my old man was a chippy and my mam was a home help for old folk. I'm also part gypsy and part Irish and my grandfather and all his 5 brothers were mole catchers Now if I was from a long line of doctors, accountants, lawyers or high acheivers in general you could say I was middle class. But as you can see thats not really the case. I'm middle income though, same as a lot of people I'd imagine. Maybe not the ones with cleaners or au pairs...they're just lazy fuckers who've forgotten where they're from A sparky getting their hands dirty? Whatever next? Margeret Thatcher coming in the club and having a pint with the lads whilst farting the tune to the Blaydon Races? This thread makes me think I may be on the same MB as some of the elite of society. Hiring cleaners? Hiring 50K a year gardeners? Hiring nannies? I think I'll just stand in the corner and wait until I'm spoken to like the good working class peasant I am. Paddocklad, i'm with you. I'm a Sparky also & get my hands dirty daily. My income also puts me 'middle class', but i think it's a crock of shite. Even if my income dictated 'upper class' my beliefs would'nt change........i hope. I think a lot of it stems from upbringing. My old man worked, still does, he pushed me into getting an apprenticeship. I thought he was a bastard at the time, but now iv'e grown up i'm grateful for the pressure he put me under. He even had the Pru round when i was 18 making sure i took out a pension!! However if a stranger visited my house / street, they would think middle class. I have to work in Africa to be able to afford it mind!
You have won the grand sum of 3 more trophies than us - are you one of those who sing "You've never won fuck all"? Learn some history. You haven't won a trophy since, what, 1958ish, that's the excellent progress of a big club. Have you ever had a period where you've dominated English football? Yes we have dominated in the past. Just like you once did, in the past. Difference is my Scouse friend, we've stayed more loyal than most when the hard times come round, if you're comfortable with your fans efforts in similar circumstances then good for you, I'm more than ready to defend our supporters, who are the only big thing about the club according to fans of other clubs when accusing us of not being a big club, then the same mongs accuse our support of being shite in the next breath. Which is it? It's quite clear this lad is no older than 21, part of the Talksport generation. I was speaking to a blue dipper in London last time I was down, and he said he'd not missed a home game since 1977, and the best away support he'd ever seen was the toon in 1988, opening day when we lost 4-0. There was 45,000 in the ground, 10,000 toon fans* he said 4-0 down you would think it was us who were winning. I love the argument that we have a bigger ground so we get bigger crowds, when they can't even fucking sell out their little stadium against Man Utd There was only 35,000 there on Saturday. Other clubs use it too. My first away game. I took my Irish cousin who naturally supported Liverpool along to it as he was over, it didn't surprise me but he was gobsmacked, literally as well as metaphorically, a stray arm hit him whilst surging on down to the Blaydon Races. *Was more 7000-8000 I reckon. Took my younger brother to Fulham in '08. He was astonished by our away support. He follows Norwich who have a tidy away following for the size of club, but he had never seen such numbers that were there..........this is whilst JK was in charge & we were utter dogshit as well! I always reckon an outsiders view sums it up quite well.
Was until i found out it only does 26mpg round town! My car does 26.2 mpg according to Auto Trader. I've never gave a fuck about fule prices until I bought it, now I'm obsessed. Asda's usually the cheapest. Can't be arsed myself. Tesco's is closest to me, plus the ol' clubcard points come in handy. Mind you, at about £70 a time to fill up it's hard to swallow. I could sell it & get a 'normal' motor..........bollocks to that. JAWD. Turbo on a honda, dear oh dear, that's gonna hurt!
Same as my brother. He had one of these, treated & drove it with utter contempt. Just kept plodding along. Comfy as well!!
Cheers for the input, always nice to get a different opinion, i'll be sure to show the re-done photos. May try without the dog. Never work with kids or animals....and they are both in shot. very hard to get it to look natural.
This was my mates 'pick of the bunch' that he took. His opinion of course. We are going to redo them anyhow. This is for a big canvas & her indoors is not happy with the clothes the boys had on!! Trouble is, it will be end of october when i'm back in Uk to get it done & as my mate says, 'skies will be full of Autumn shit' Does he still have the RAW file? Could just crop it and zoom in at least. Yeah he has all files still. The best ones he sent to me as TIFFS. I have them all as jpegs. This was one of the others i liked, but the missus said the dog looked wrong, also my mate didn't like the effect of the clouds. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
This was my mates 'pick of the bunch' that he took. His opinion of course. We are going to redo them anyhow. This is for a big canvas & her indoors is not happy with the clothes the boys had on!! Trouble is, it will be end of october when i'm back in Uk to get it done & as my mate says, 'skies will be full of Autumn shit'
Not my Photo, but my kids, taken by my mate who's into photography. Just wondered what you thought? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Was until i found out it only does 26mpg round town!
My First - A golf Diesel, 1978 T Reg. Was lucky if it ever hit 80 mph! Uploaded with ImageShack.us 2nd Mk2 Cavalier.....green!! 3rd Mk3 Cavalier Gsi 16v......shit. 4th Peugeot 309 Gti...Rapid. 5th Golf Vr6......more rapid. 6th Bmw 325i touring 1989......i was skint. 7th Bmw 325i 1990 8th Honda CR-V....shit 9th Bmw 325i V reg.....not bad. 10th Golf GT Tdi 04 reg....Solid but boring. 11th BMW 335D M Sport 57 reg.......Mutts nuts, a real wolf in sheep clothing. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Didn't realise i'd had that many until started listing!
Every boy's dream. It's about the UK's youth football academies. A real eye opener if you have kid/s in a player development centre or academy. Made me wonder if i'm doing the right thing letting my boy play at his.
Henry Weston Vintage Cider. A loverly drop of gear. Plus 3 for £4 in Tesco, tip top tipple. 8.5% n'all but wouldnt know it.
Would you bollocks. it's Geordie Jeans and Helly Hansen for me. Geordie Jeans!!! I remember those from the good ol' days. Used to come up north to me grans, get some geordie jeans & be the mutts nuts darn sarf!
This'll be one for Sky+. First iv'e heard of it, must of missed the trailers.
Are you sitting with the newcastle fans? If so follow their lead, easy. Spare a thought for me, couldn't get an away ticket, so in with the mancs. Must remember to stay in control!
Back on topic, Off up to Old trafford on monday for the game. Away tickets sold out, so i'm sitting in (quietly) with the mancs. I'll be with the kids so should be ok. Off to Chessington also. Anyone been? Any good?
At least you're not from Cobholm ! I live in Lowestoft by the way, don't judge me...... Ah, cobholm. Moved there when i was 13. Moved out at 20. Don't be too quick to judge it, honest!!! Great community spirit, but a bit of a no go for outsiders, must admit. My mates from school (in yarmouth) would never venture over the bridge. It's ok, i won't judge you, coming from lowestoft is punishment enough.....codhead etc etc Got some good mates from there & served my apprenticeship down whapload road. This is a bit surreal on a newcastle website!! Omg Where down Whapload road ? That's where I served mine too.... I still work there. Small world huh ? LEC Marine. Now called Klyne or something, bought out a few years ago. Down near the lighthouse caff. I'm guessing you work for Cap'n Birds eye?
At least you're not from Cobholm ! I live in Lowestoft by the way, don't judge me...... Ah, cobholm. Moved there when i was 13. Moved out at 20. Don't be too quick to judge it, honest!!! Great community spirit, but a bit of a no go for outsiders, must admit. My mates from school (in yarmouth) would never venture over the bridge. It's ok, i won't judge you, coming from lowestoft is punishment enough.....codhead etc etc Got some good mates from there & served my apprenticeship down whapload road. This is a bit surreal on a newcastle website!!
Was great when me Grandad was alive & we travelled up to see the family. The missus & him could talk to each other for 10 minutes & not understand a word each other had said......quality.
Offshore? yep Rope boy? No. Service hand scum? yep.
There's an unexpected reply If you can call any part of Yarmouth sophisticated i'm not sure. But seems you ask, Bradwell.
I'm going home . Thats my 4 week hitch in Angola (aka the arsehole of africa) done. Nothing beats getting home when the young'uns are off school.