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Everything posted by ewerk

  1. No I'm not saying they should "shut up and suffer" but as I said in one of my previous posts vilifying white people is not helping, celebrities like Kanye should be trying to break down the barriers rather than building them up and trying to give black people a siege mentality. It was the whole "they're MY people" that pissed me off, as if the victims are closer to him than to anyone else. Yes the majority of people hit hardest were black people but Kanye has taken the focus of the relief effort and onto racism. Now is the time to get aid to those who need it, after the situation has been sorted is the time to ask questions about whether the fact most of the victims were black contributed to delay in the rescue mission.
  2. I agree that of course there is still a problem but black people in the USA have come a long way from the 1950's. The problem is allowing black people into the positions of power, because of their history they are more likely to be poorer and less well educated. To add to the problem a lot of black youths from deprived areas don't want to go the education route, they look at their role models, local drug dealer, rappers like Kanye (who isn't the worst of them) rapping about drugs and hos. They have very few positive role models to look up to and relate to. Anyway, Kanye has been trying to highlight racism but he has been doing it in the wrong way IMO. Vilified white people and creating an "us and them" situation isn't helping. The way to do it is by trying to foster relations between both races so that racism doesn't even become an issue. I was disappointed to see that result but the situation is very different in Ireland than in places like USA and UK. Immigration into Ireland is a relatively recent trend, unlike England where it was going on throughout the 1900's. In Ireland it will take time to get used to it, there are a lot of backward people who have forgotten that the Irish prospered through emmigration. But lets not forget the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 and the Immigration Act 1971 in the UK and the controversy they caused. From my experience in Ireland, in a place with a lot of economic migrants, racism isn't really a problem but it will take 30-40 years for the majority of Irish to get used to it.
  3. Kanye has had a chip on his shoulder about being black for a long time, its like he sees it as a us vs them situation. Some of his lyrics: Yeah what happened was terrible but Kanye acts as if he lives in 1920's Mississippi, he keeps going on about racism in about 50% of his songs. As for him helping out "his" people why doesn't he get his ass down there and help? Or is he above that now? Its very easy to complain about the situation from a nice warm TV studio before he goes back to his mansion.
  4. A good time was had by all at the Dowie family reunion.
  5. Whelan knew he had no chance and despite what he says it was a PR stunt, if Dean Windass is turning them down then what chance did they really think they had of signing Owen?
  6. We wouldn't have got Nobby if we hadn't let Milner go so I'm happy we did. As has been said a years experience of regular football will help him and us and him in the long run. O'Leary rates him higher than Souness and as he already knows him I'm sure he'll help him develop.
  7. I have to agree with you there HF, I was very dissapointed. Most of the songs were too slow and downbeat and it didn't sound anywhere near as fresh as TCD. I was also disappointed to see the Game's verse removed from crack music. I don't know how it got top ratings in all the magazines but I guess everyone is trying to ride his dick at the minute.
  8. Did I really hear the fans chanting "Souey Souey!"? I thought I did then I saw Souness waving to the fans. What a difference one signing makes.
  9. If Fat Fred and Souey are busy smiling for the cameras then who is negotiating with Villa? Please tell me they haven't sent Dougie to Birmingham.
  10. Whos that lying on the ground on the right? An actor?
  11. Owen wouldn't have agreed to join us if there was any chance at all of Liverpool signing him. Its a done deal.
  12. From the scenes on SSN they won't have many of them left. I thought it was a bit of a tenuous link but he got it right.
  13. Of course he had to mention that it is a personal triumph for Freddy, how greatful we should be.
  14. Because it brings their independence into doubt. If an english referee signed a half million pound deal with Vodafone then had to go referee a Man U match it would raise questions. Its not just a matter of justice being done but justice being seen to be done.
  15. As long as it saves money I'm all for it, no need to pay anything extra just to look good. However the saving made is loose change compared to what our "superstars" are getting paid every week. Still I bet they won't be staying in a Holiday Inn.
  16. Pity he had to leave the way he did but obviously he must've realised the deal would have been controversial, referees should not be doing endorsements.
  17. Just seen it in IE, looks a lot better than in Opera.
  18. What pissed me off even more was his reaction when asked about it. He didn't say "sorry I just got caught up in the moment I shouldn't have cursed when I know kids are watching", he just kept going on about scoring a PL goal. The guy is one of the stupidest footballers around.
  19. Looked as good (or bad) as most of our team. Couple of bits of individual skill but overall disappointing, he'll fit in well.
  20. Is it just me or do none of the links work and does the site look like our 2003/4 away kit?
  21. Unfortunately it isn't week in week out as you said. However your posts are always directed at the negative side, overly so. Whilst I would say our club is in a bad state apart from player wise it doesn't help to constantly slag it off. Have a valium and try and cheer the fuck up. Depression kills.
  22. Souness has my sympathies regarding getting players in, its obvious FFS hasn't been going all out this summer. However from the few games I've seen this season he seems to be more interested in not losing than winning, packing the midfield is evidence to that. Maybe he is trying to build from the back, maybe he is trying to consolidate and achieve a respectable position or maybe he is just not the right man for us. Whatever the position I'm not confident of having him in charge. I don't go to many matches so I can't speak for those at the game but it seems to me that many fans are looking at the alternatives and can't see much light so we are accepting the tripe being served to us.
  23. ewerk


    Luque was a mile offside.
  24. He had a bad game, its not the end of his career, I feel a lot more secure with him than O'Brien.
  25. His card waving really pissed me off, along with everything else he did. What did Rooney say when he was celebrating his goal? I must've missed that.
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