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Posts posted by ewerk

  1. Regardless of his recent form, is this the same Scott Parker who many thought was the complete battler for the team and was so highly praised for giving his all in every game including that performance against Arsenal but he pulss out what appears to the crowd of a 50/50 ball and he gets dogs abuse? Nothing like getting behind the team, fickle as fuck or what?



    Exactly, this is the lad who played on with glandular fever last year and still gave 100%. I think his problem is that he has set too high a standard for himself, for all we know he could have been carrying a knock on Saturday but still played on, that could be why he pulled out. Its unfair to judge him on this one off situation, if there is one player in our squad he looks like he actually gives a fuck about the team then its Scott Parker but as you said "fickle as fuck".


    If you're in a restaurant with service probably about 10%, but check your bill to make sure you haven't been given a service charge already. I usually tip taxi drivers about 10% too. I don't think you need to tip anyone else.



    Absolute rubbish, why should a tip be automatic? You're paying the restaurant already for the service, by tipping you're paying twice, as I said it should only be done if the service was above your expectation.


    And any restaurant that charges me a service charge without it being explicitly stated in the menu can get fucked too, a restaurant I went to in Covent Garden once tried to charge me a service charge AND for listening to the band they had on (£5 a head!), needless to say the cunts didn't get it.

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