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Posts posted by mongbird

  1. mind you, credit to songbird, putting a fairly considered justification for their hatred on here amongst a torrent of abuse.



    still, fuck off, there's a good tramp. The reason you're in the shadow is because you lot are so disfigured the sun itself shies away from you. You should definitely stop being obsessed with us because outside of this fixture, we really don't care that much about you. Sure we'd laugh if you went down, but we wouldn't celebrate as if we'd won the fucking league.


    God you're pitiful. :rimshot:




    I have that much hate going through me when it comes to newcastle united i cant even respond properly lol ..... You are just cunts !!!

    A superior cunt, actually. Is it cold in our shadow? :D



    must be a nice view up there !!! THIS is the very reason we enjoy every little thing that upsets the cartoon army !!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. mind you, credit to songbird, putting a fairly considered justification for their hatred on here amongst a torrent of abuse.



    still, fuck off, there's a good tramp. The reason you're in the shadow is because you lot are so disfigured the sun itself shies away from you. You should definitely stop being obsessed with us because outside of this fixture, we really don't care that much about you. Sure we'd laugh if you went down, but we wouldn't celebrate as if we'd won the fucking league.


    God you're pitiful. :D




    I have that much hate going through me when it comes to newcastle united i cant even respond properly lol ..... You are just cunts !!!

  3. Best day of my life.




    BTW...why do you have seahorses on your badge...and a demented monkey at the top.......serious question !!!



    @WayneFTM Same mate, or the day they went down!


    Says it all really.


    Indeed :D If the highlight of their footballing life is a narrow home win against a side that were in fucking freefall then it cements all the opinions about them being bitter for living in our shadow.


    Greatest day of my footballing life was when Ned Kelly scored against Pompey back in 1992. But then i'm obsessed with Newcastle winning, not Sunderland losing.



    I reckon you are obsessed with the fact that we are obsessed !!! BUT YES beating newcastle means more to us than any game of football ...we are always reminded day to day that we live in your shadow (and not just footy) SO to beat you means everything to us.....EVERYTHING !!!!

    I understand why you hate us, but I still think it's pathetic. Now I could raise about 100 points about why mackems are up there with the most tragic people in the Western World, but I won't.....I'll only raise five.


    1. Your lasses are fuckin ugly, I worked there for a few year it's not a myth you notice it every day there, it's genetic I think because the differences are incredible, some of it is diet but it's not all diet. Your lasses could all be extra's in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I worked with the lass at "Dox-ea" she was 5ft, fat face, tiny tits, big belly much bigger than her tits, fuckin massive arse, and on dress down days she'd pull g string above her pants so every fucka could see oh dear. Plus she'd had three abortions by the age of 20, an orange fuckin face and drove a Nova. Now she for me was the face of Sunderland.


    2. The mackem accent is as bad as brummie, honest question, do you think the mackem accent is easy on the ear?


    3. You type in mackem accent on here, why put "tak" it's take you inbred.


    4. Every fucka in Sunderland smokes, and you wonder why the mackem life expectancy is 58 or something.


    5. This is the worst one of the lot. You are defined as people not by your ship building heritage, not by your shit copy of the Tyne Bridge, you are defined by Newcastle, and you seem very keen to almost revel in it. You are fully aware that you're not capable of developing your own identity so you define yourselves by trying to compete against the odds with Newcastle, culturally (pmsl), economically, and most importantly football wise. See if Sunderland came second and we came fourth and qualified for the CL, the vast and utter majority of our fans wouldn't care less if you came above us, we'd just be delighted to get in the CL. See the season we went down, you've said yourself you were delighted we went down. See when you go down which is about as often as the average mackem lass drops her knickers, we couldn't give a fuck. When we came second in 97, Boro and you went down on the same day we qualified for the CL and it was a good laugh but I think most people were disappointed that we'd miss out on an interesting derby the next season. That is the difference, fair enough we look down our noses at you, and I read your sight and you talk about "dea-cent mags who aren't ree-ley dul-ou-ded, and can tak a jo-ake", well let me tell you the people you talk about are probably from mixed area's your Washington's, your Jarrow's, your South Sh-ea-lds, people from where I come which is Newcastle look down our nose at you, always will as well, you're fuckin nobheads and you define yourselves as people and as football fans, against Britain's biggest underachievers and some would say losers. Your only ambition is to better than losers. That should be your motto on your pathetic 1997 badge in latin.

  4. Best day of my life.




    @WayneFTM Same mate, or the day they went down!


    Says it all really.


    Indeed :D If the highlight of their footballing life is a narrow home win against a side that were in fucking freefall then it cements all the opinions about them being bitter for living in our shadow.


    Greatest day of my footballing life was when Ned Kelly scored against Pompey back in 1992. But then i'm obsessed with Newcastle winning, not Sunderland losing.



    I reckon you are obsessed with the fact that we are obsessed !!! BUT YES beating newcastle means more to us than any game of football ...we are always reminded day to day that we live in your shadow (and not just footy) SO to beat you means everything to us.....EVERYTHING !!!!


    Get a fucking grip man! :rimshot:



    HAWAY then whats wrong with that .....serious question ???

  5. Best day of my life.




    @WayneFTM Same mate, or the day they went down!


    Says it all really.


    Indeed :D If the highlight of their footballing life is a narrow home win against a side that were in fucking freefall then it cements all the opinions about them being bitter for living in our shadow.


    Greatest day of my footballing life was when Ned Kelly scored against Pompey back in 1992. But then i'm obsessed with Newcastle winning, not Sunderland losing.



    I reckon you are obsessed with the fact that we are obsessed !!! BUT YES beating newcastle means more to us than any game of football ...we are always reminded day to day that we live in your shadow (and not just footy) SO to beat you means everything to us.....EVERYTHING !!!!

  6. We know where certain peoples loyalties lie don't you worry.


    A 29 year-old man resorting to the "you're defending them, you must be a mackem" defence.


    What an utter fucking retard :lol:

    Wrong, I've consistently called you a mackem arsehole irrespective of your post. It's in your blood.




    To make blood, your body needs to mix:


    red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body

    white blood cells, which fight infections

    platelets, which are cells that help you stop bleeding if you get a cut

    plasma, a yellowish liquid that carries nutrients, hormones, and proteins

  7. In the last 25 years NUFC:


    Have played in the top division in 21 out of 25 seasons


    Have maintained their top flight status for 16 consecutive seasons


    Have been relegated twice


    Have NEVER been promoted to and then relegated from the top flight the following season


    Have challenged for the top division title


    Have finished in the top half of the top division on 9 occasions. 5 times in the top 4.


    Have played in Europe in numerous seasons (Champions League and UEFA Cup)


    Have consistently signed proven Premier League players and top Internationals


    Have a bigger share of the huge North East fanbase. North of the Tyne must be 90% Newcastle at least. County Durham and South of the Tyne is more evenly split.


    Whereas in the last 25 years SAFC have:


    Played in the top division in 10 out of 25 seasons


    Have maintained their top flight status for a maximum of four seasons


    Have been relegated on 6 occasions; 5 from the top flight and twice with a record low points tally (once for the Premier League and once for the top division)


    Have been promoted to and then relegated from the top flight the subsequent season on no less than 3 occasions


    Have managed a best finish of 7th in the top division - two occasions; the only two occasions when a top half finish was achieved


    Have never qualified for/played in Europe


    Have only just (last two seasons) started to sign proven Premier League players and top internationals on a consistent basis


    Nearly achieved the dubious honour of being the only team in English league history to go an entire season without a win at home (finally won the final home fixture which was a replay of an abandoned game SAFC were losing)


    Have set other records for fewest goals scored in the top division etc


    Nearly became the worst team in English history by going on a 17 (approximately) game losing streak. One more loss would have matched Darwen's record stretching back to the 1800's


    To compare the 'loyalty' (invariably linked to attendances) of both sets of supporters is, in my humble opinion, grossly unfair on SAFC fans who have had untold levels of shite to put up with compared to the mags who have had a cushy little number for years.


    For SAFC to be able to pull in 40k+ crowds after all the above is testament to a set of brilliant supporters.

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