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Posts posted by mongbird

  1. Lots of guests.


    Go away guests :angry:


    Hello, Sunderland fans.


    They have 7 or 8 threads on our game already man. We have 1. Not obsessed though :lol:


    YOU ARE THOUGH...you muppet that's how you know there are 6 or 7 threads about it!!!! BRILLIANT result for the red and whites!!!! (FTM full stop lol) ARROGANT FUCKING Wankers the lot of you!!!!!!!!!!! 9-1 hahaha

  2. There is far too much shite to comment on, most of it bollocks as well...the scary thing is that you actually believe that 2 sets of supporters separated by 10 mile?? are so different....the fact is we are very similar you just happen to have more supporters and been reasonably successful on the pitch (winning fuck all) in the last 20 year...thats it!!!! I honnestly cant remember any time our fans have been tagged with the news headline "scum" or our own players knocking shit out of each other on the pitch or smashing up phoneboxes or smashing up sports direct shops or trying to get a game abandoned...honnestly cant like

  3. and renton......


    so there is a thread about the gremlins on a generally fucked up message board where sunderland supporters fight amongst each other!!! And that is your view on all sunderland supporters....like i have said before every club has its extremist element. And why oh why do yous always bring up ridiculous statements about the city of sunderland a s a place in general??? that thread on here about pictures of something shite on wearside is pathetic ....and you call us obsessed :-)

  4. i think we understand them far better than they understand themselves


    My good god, arrogance beyond belief.




    i lived & worked in sunderland for 2 years, close to the Rosedene


    so 18 months qualifies you to make horrific preminisions about sunderland supporters ? and btw most of sunderlands support probably comes from outside sunderland.

  5. To Mongbird:


    The Tranmere match co-incidided with a non-advertised one minutes silence to both young Jamie Bulger and Bobby Moore who both passed away in the week leading up to the game. In those days days pre-match one minutes silences weren't so common place. Simple fact was, a few Mags coming through the turnstiles and presumably full of beer, had no idea that a minutes silence was in affect. Thats it, basically. I'll never forget the back page of the Mirror showing a pic of Mags celebrating a goal with the headline 'scum' as if this was the the same supporters actions in the one minutes silence. Wankers of the highest order, our national press.


    It showed the club for what they are though...even now rotten to the core.

  6. WTF ?????? In general newcastle and sunderland supporters get on well with good friendly ish banter...families throughout the north east are split red and white black and white...my lass is black and white daft and although the thought might cross my mind sometimes with her :-) i doubt i could murder her!!!! that's one of the most far fetched statements ive read even from a mag!!! On a derby day given a chance both sets of supporters could knock seven shades out of each other so dinnar how yet again you think sunderland supporters are worse in their hatred???


    i don't agree with you; while i see that most people can get along with each othere, i feel there is an element to your support that i don't see amongst ours. for a start your hooligans are far more active & numerous than ours. among the sunderland support there is such hatred of newcastle, as well as the encouragement among your club hierarchy of anti social behaviour (bristol airport, middlesbrough train, last sunday), not to mention the open warfare with northumbria police following the incidents after the hearts friendly, that i see your support as out of control & a tragedy is imminent.


    do you not feel there is a significant section of your support that would carry their hatred through to the fullest extent by "executing" a newcastle fan? i think so; i am genuinely scared of what your club has turned in to off the pitch.


    with all due respect mate i do believe you are talking bollocks...if i walked into the strawberry or some other maggy pub with a mackem top on would i be welcomed or possibly kicked all over the toon??? sunderland and newcastle is only PURE hatred on derby day...tensions run high on both sides...other than that we all work alongside each other and tolerate each other

  7. WTF ?????? In general newcastle and sunderland supporters get on well with good friendly ish banter...families throughout the north east are split red and white black and white...my lass is black and white daft and although the thought might cross my mind sometimes with her :-) i doubt i could murder her!!!! that's one of the most far fetched statements ive read even from a mag!!! On a derby day given a chance both sets of supporters could knock seven shades out of each other so dinnar how yet again you think sunderland supporters are worse in their hatred???

  8. Hmmm not sure mongbird is an actual oasis song like but never mind (nirvana) I love it! just love it how the toon army paint themselves as somehow superior in the way they act compared to Sunderland supporters. it's canny juvenile really. You all come across as very arrogant as though butter wouldnt melt. Fans invading the pitch? see playoffs For assaulting players (see playoffs) for disgusting behavour see singing toon army through a minites silence for bobby moore at tranmere.....ALL clubs have their nuggets. Disgusting tackles see sherah see barton see cabaye see tiote see guthrie


    Do you believe that Sunderland have more class than Newcastle?


    both can be as bad as each other tbh....We are used to loosing (see the last 60 years) and probably take it better than your selves. We have never had the chance to wank 100 million up the wall on world class players We can only dream of playing barcelona in the so called champions league. I reckon with what we have had to endure over the years on and off the pitch we are quite calm about life in general :-)

  9. The fucking youngin's haven't got a clue like.


    Probably a bunch of little pricks who can't take their drink.


    They'll no doubt end up with lifetime bans like the lad who sprayed where the sign used to be.


    It's a shame we couldn't be classy like the mackems and invade the pitch, assault opposition players, smash up a metro and smear the bogs walls with shit. That's what classy fans do...


    Hmmm not sure mongbird is an actual oasis song like but never mind (nirvana) I love it! just love it how the toon army paint themselves as somehow superior in the way they act compared to Sunderland supporters. it's canny juvenile really. You all come across as very arrogant as though butter wouldnt melt. Fans invading the pitch? see playoffs For assaulting players (see playoffs) for disgusting behavour see singing toon army through a minites silence for bobby moore at tranmere.....ALL clubs have their nuggets. Disgusting tackles see sherah see barton see cabaye see tiote see guthrie

  10. of getting stuck in ? in one of the fiercest derbies in the country...ok sorry. I also don't think you can take the morale highground on which manager has no class...pardew and his entorage have previous for getting a little wound up don't they.

    What do you 'ate most about tho-as "mags"?


    the jawdie nation

    mock funerals for a stadium

    steven taylor

    topless male supporters, very often fat as fuck

    steve wraith

    barcelona of the north

    the bandwagon supporters post1992

    ye divvent understand man


    famous number 9 short

    waiting list, 50,000 locked out shite

    the mags in the gillingham end at roker 87

    invading the pitch in the play offs

    john mccririck

    jordie shore


    off the top of me head like

  11. Pardew got it spot on, they sucked us into their kicking match in the first half and we looked shite. In the first 5 mins of the second half we had 4 shots on goal, after the manager had got inside their heads at half time and told them to play football instead.. If we'd scored around the 60 mins mark we'd have got 3 or 4. We didnt, they hung on and I have to say Turner was fuckin brilliant, but we've been mediocre since well before xmas apart from the Man Utd game. This was a test of how far theyve come since last season and theyve managed to listen to O'Neil telling them to come out and kick the shit out of us . Well done to everyone at safc, real progress that like.


    real progress that we didn't get stuffed 5-1 aye atm for us that is progress. If sunderland had hammered newcastle 5-1 the season before hand would you not want your team to show some fighting spirit the next time around???? I read this tripe from pardew that you were dragged into a war....jesus wept were we supposed roll over and just let you have a nice stroll for 95mins??? as your messiah himself said at half time apparently only one team were playing football in the 1st half and that was sunderland. WE GOT TO YOU and you didn't like it one bit. Can not wait for next season :-)


    To be fair, I know what you're saying. However, there is a massive difference between commitment and clogging. Wolves clog. Norwich are committed. You were definitely focussed on kicking lumps out of players rather than trying to beat us at football. You've admitted as much yourself.


    Tiote rolling around isn't something I like to see, but he'd already been on the end of an absolute holocaust of a "tackle" from clattermole where the player should absolutely 100% been sent off, and yet escaped with just a caution. Swear to God if your thug had taken an early bath there'd not have been half the number of cards and yellows, so I'm not sure what Dean thought he had improved?


    Sessegnon was sent off for striking a player in the face. Not pushing someone away and the opposition going down like he's been shot with a howitzer. It's irrefutable that Sessegnon should have walked. Tiote's carry on was, imo, a reaction to the ref's apparent reticence to show the red.


    The way your brothers have been banging on you'd think your team were camped outside our box throughout the 1st half while we launched into knee high tackles every opportunity we got.


    Pardew apologised for getting in O'Neil's face and yet your man hasn't the "class" to meet after the game. Your man was just as visceral and passionate as AP yet your lot are banging on like the poor wee cheeky oirishman was bullied by Pardiola.


    I'm happy with the 4pt return from two derbies. and I'm happy with the second half performance. We never should have fallen for the obvious tactics, but you cannot honestly rewrite history after the fact. Your lot weren't the victims of a mugging, your lot weren't hard done by the ref, your lot weren't all over us and your lot definitely weren't classy.


    of getting stuck in ? in one of the fiercest derbies in the country...ok sorry. I also don't think you can take the morale highground on which manager has no class...pardew and his entorage have previous for getting a little wound up don't they.

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