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Everything posted by Womblemaster
therefore it doesnt matter what fee we got for his sale, we saved money getting him off our wage books. just yankin you chain. In an ideal world we would have got 5m for robert, however other clubs could see he wasnt worth more than 2m. The jenas goldfish bowl that is nufc, exposed robert for the non professional he was/is. quote from souness re owen transfer. Seems ff has taken a more hands on approach since sacking SBR, think was in the press he was involved in boumsong deal etc. I think ff got cticised for letting bobby spend such larg sums, on what turned out to be a few questionable signings. FF decided to not get caughtout twice......probly much to souness` frustration. tbh i think ur being a bit naiive blaming souness for all thats gone on at nufc over the last 12 months, and i am quite sure that souness has done a better job than you could have.
good !! finally some talent that is NON bling orientated. Maybe he can rub off on dyer lol fat chance (
basically laddy i just dont agree with you. I think your spouting nonsense. I think getting rid of robert was a prioity, as he was draggin the team down, into his own private hell. Really you dont have any idea about what extent FF gets involved in transfers, so you cant claim that you have any better knowledge of how much FF got involved over bellamy. re discipline I am convinced that the chairman wrote it into his job desripton to clamp down, on our alledged(press ) run away mob. Hes just joing the jobhe was hired to do. If it makes the club healthy in the long run then good. Otherwise its just more imcompetance from FF. Probly he paniced about the bad image nufc had, not good for keepin the investors happy, that the ship was steady and he was a good helmsman.. So he hired someone to roll a few heads. It is...ooops phone brb Why should souness pay for a gamble that backfired on robert? Its SBR fault that the club lost so much money over robert and not souness; he paid WAY too much for the slacker. Robert was a timebomb that needed dismantling- good riddance to bad rubbish! Bellamy is a much bigger loss to the team. Maybe souness over estimated the pulling power of NUFC..........none seems to want to come in, so i guess you could say that was naive and stupid; i still think tho that FF has told him fibs about how much of a transfer budget was actually available......tho rumour is that 20m is stashed away for shearer replacement, probly contains most of the woodgate windfall.
actually thatis a good question ) The honest answer is that from the limited facts i know about the situation, i think in the long term it COULD turn out the better for NUFC. In principle selling belammy was a good idea, in reality it looks as thought its might be about to fall flat. In the short term, yes i can see that it could turn into a horrendous mistake. Was souness naive/at fault for trusting fat fredy too much?......ie he assumes the chairman would back him for transfers, this summer, which hes failed to do in recent weeks. I think that the chairman is pulling out the carpet from under souness. For reasons i can only speculate on. I am alarmed that we have NOT landed a decent replacement. The reason why is both souness AND shepherd fault, not just the managers. "He bought Bramble and Viana, not Robert and Viana. " SBR did buy robert. Actually i agree we need a robert replacement. LBM is allegedly one, dunno if hes good enough tbh, not watched him enough. Emre has proved already he can deliver excellent dead ball kicks.....infact he might actually be better .....certainly his passing is top notch too )
am hoping that we manage to ofload JJ as i dont personally think hes got enough goin on between his lugs(nah brain) to be a top class player. For the mo the defense can leak, as we have bigger problems in other areas. Tho we clearly need LB and RB. However thers not enough dosh to pay for them as well. I doubt coco is a long term solution. ( Have to again blame the chairman, as hes clearly not given souey a longterm deal........how stupid to bring a manager in to "sort the mess out" but then not fund him properly. Very fishy to me......somethings afoot watson! AT least emre and parker, look like real jewels. Finally we have a half decent midfield, which we have lacked since the sale of speed. /bonk SBR Wish we could ondo SBR other dreadful mistook, and get nobby back. ho hum. ahh well i guess the next month is gonna be plenty interesting.!! btw i do think geting viduka would be a sign of desperation, due to the chairman not doin his job. Have to think that souey has learned from the fall of SBR, who planned longterm(young signings) but failed in the short term. Souey is having to sign proven players to save his ass. Between the devil [FF] and a hard place [fans] This really does smack of the chairman not backing the manager, which is sad and shows up the shite game that FF is playing. at least with FF being obesse and heavy smoker hell maybe die young and release us from his curse.......we can but hope!!...i dont actually wish him ill, just wish hed bugger OFF! Cant decide if owen would be a good buy or not. Probly another dyer and too injury prone. Personally id have searched the german and italian leagues for a possible option, or dutch even. Sadly most of the foreign teams seem to think we are loaded and an easy touch, ie we are easy prey in the transfer market; fenebache certainly tried to take the piss...13m for anelka yeah right! still cant believe emre 4m
SO far things have gone really well this summer. We ditched morons like robert, and......bellamy. Which is great for the club in the long term. SAdly the bellamy sale has been knackerd by our crappy chairman. Whos playing a game behind soueys back, and skiming off all the money before making a dash in his private jet to caliharee. Bellamy was fairly good striker, who will/is hard to replace. FF should have allowed souey enough funds to pay for one BEFORE letting the welsh twat leave. However due to the shady game hes playing with us all, this ofcourse wasnt allowed to happen. Getting rid of obrien and butt is great.....the brummies claim they will buy butt, they may be liars tho Personally i agree with above, we should have loaned ambrose out, as for me hes got more potential then milner, but tbh they both are squad filler fodder. If we dont get a striker in before sep then we are in trouble......i have a feeling freddy has some cunnig/coniving scheme hatched. EEEEK! /shudder may God have murcy on us all!!
So the lesson for Fat boy is run your choice of manager by the mackems first for a reaction!!! maybe FF should get an ` oriental wise man`, and install him in a jacusee (sp?) in the plat club bar ) Well it worked for them slackers at orange.....
Things were on the wane for 2 years pal. Infact robson scuppered us when he bought robert, and viana; at ridiculous prices. Not that i dont think our beloved chairman has ****ed us over on transfer money, but really SBR made some ludicrus buys aka jenas R, V, BUTT etc btw i guess by ur looney thinking, that milners current form has been caused by passing aliens form planet smoougee?? Rather than admit that the current manager had anything to do with it. tbh i spent most of last season slaging milner off, and really hes a bit mediocre alot of the time, but at least hes finding the net atmo. only mistake ive seen souness make so far, is selling off ambrose. *scratches head. Havent made my mind up about the hughes transfer. in hindsight it was a bit premature, but lets not kid ourselves he was the worlds greatest defender!! otherwise the restructuring is going well......except for lack of new striker /mutter. If we had spare dosh id also replace carr.....another talentless alsoran.
doesnt mean to say they would have scored them either. They score 1 in every 3 shots. maybe u can point out to me what shearers current ratio is? overall id have to say ur comments were pointless and that ur a miserable bastard. go piss off back to moanville on the other board.
why dont we kidnap steve bruces cat and threaten to toast it unless he buys butt ?? yeah its desperation time...
yes the sky is going to fall on our heads! (a quote from gaulish mythology) if we win on weds willu airheads stop ur poinless rambling????
ill take claudia off him tommorw! i go stiff in the loins wheni see lases with dark hair, she`s really pretty lass. Not pawn star quality totty,but very cute, and think shes a legal studend so not an airhead either....guess she has a blindspot for tumpet playing footballers tho!
hows bloody STUPID can u get ?????????????? somehow i think MURDER is a worse sin than having a bastard. what an idiot!
hmm technically the shareholders could vote him off the board. would be some battle to get it done tho......maybe worth a go ??
welli think ur all ignorant morons and souness is a great manager. "only thing that matters at a football club is the football club" damn right no one person is bigger than the club. bang on SOUEY! you liberal minded gay ass college students really do my head in!!!! YOu clueless numsculls are whining and suckin up to anachists like bellamy. Your liberal scum the lot of u. YOU make me sick! you need a good caining that would sort out u Ky groupees!!