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Everything posted by Womblemaster
Womblemaster replied to Optimistic Nut's topic in Newcastle Forum
" Real Madrid are very ruthless and our offer seems like a ridiculous one " they are `wreekin their revengy`* on us for the woodgate deal LOL * quote from Men in tights. -
As much as it sticks in my throat, i cant blame owen for prefering liverpool. If you were a player, who would you pick.......european champions or relegation candidates newcastle?? A player of his quality would expect to be in the champions league every year. We can only offer him blind faith and a cold north sea breeze. Pretty stark choice for the lad ( Wouldnt mind seeing him here tho )
some naiive garbage been spouted in this thred. "Look back to that season, and Jenas was a bright spark, a hot prospect for the future" round about the time that jenas and dyer believed all the hype said in the press. This lad is not a nature talent. COmpare him to rooney, his talent hasnt been cultured by clever managers it was there already. Jenas is very mediocre in comparison. There is no reason for us to suffer his weak play any longer. He is a wimp. With no brains to boot. We need to shift this gimp out of the team, as its mediocre rubbish like him that making us a mid table team. However we do need another midfield creative player, as we dont have cover for emre. Bowyer isnt good enough.....his passing is poor, tho he does have the fire and pasion, for him to stay here. I think jenas doesnt want to play for the toon anymore, and thats partly due to the fans too, hes taking his pay and producing a half hearted performance. YOu want to accept this??? Comon get a clue plz
"the hard-tackling, quick pace of the premiership is a far cry from the slow paced, technical style of football played in Spain..." not wrong, ther was an instance where the ref nearly picked him off the floor. Hed been clattered by a defender and loked at the ref expecting a free kick, ref more or less said, it was legal tackle, welcome the the priemership young man ! He smirked back. was a good moment )
i hate to say this but we need another playmaker in mid field. I think it seems like emre could be missing for 30-40% of the seaon, and dyer well you know what hes like!! We were poor after emres creative spark left the pitch, and we dont have a replacement. jenas is shite, he really pisses me off. wth is he doingin the england squad???? (erm hold on thats picked by sven, whos a worse manager than souey) Another striker is a must, even a dead donlkey would be more effectinve than ameobi. We made manu panic at stage sin the first half, been a while since i have seen us look attacking, sadly tho it fizzled all too quickly( tbh it is looking like the fates are conspiring against souey. the axe man cometh.....
thought he had an ok game, looks like a good buy for 5m. For 10m he looked a dodgy buy. Didnt sparkle enough to sense any ubber class in him. Hes got some skill, but looked lost........however i can rember G speeds early matches, he looks crap too, wandering about like a lost lamb. If this lad can keep his confidence, he could be good. Hope the boo boys done undermine us on this one!!!
yes good question ON, i was wondering that too. did northern rock lend us a good slice of the costs??
"instead of Fat Fred's " PIE IN THE SKY"" clutching at thin zstraws of hope here........feddys playing poker with the deportivo chairnman!!! hes using the owen bid to win the signing of lugue. He knows fine well owen will reject us, but it will make deportivo agree the 10m for their player........ofcourse marseilee helped us alot here too ))) the spanish twat of a chairman thinks our pieman is a soft touch
"The fat lazy fucker always starts well then free-wheels for the rest of the season." maybe it takes a few weeks of livingin somogville for the chemicals to workinto the blood stream ?? So 6 weeks into the autumn after returning form his vacation in OZ the tricholoomethobisulphateazine gets to work on agrovating his old war wound. Or maybe its just the depressing effect of living in middlesborough?!
having sold baros it lookslike the scousers are gearing up to take owen. No way owen would play for everton, cant blame moyes for trying tho. Would save this club, if he came to us atmo, as i think we gonna have a tuff job atmo geting a good striker......toomany other clubs chasing stikers atmo. what a depressing week!! cisse would be great, some of his finishing is class. Hes had some good games in the champ league, maybe not a top stirker inthe league, but would be pacey enough to work off shearer.
Am I the only person who thinks Souness is alright
Womblemaster replied to Ketsbaia's Mobile's topic in Newcastle Forum
have to admit that in the last 2 weeks i have started to cool towards souness. Up till then i thought he was doing a great job. Althought i am convinced that ff is witholding transfer funds, i think souness has proved to be an amateur in the transfer dept. Compare him to sam at bolton, and you can see a real professional at work. Kegans big sucess was in picking talent players to sign, tho he made mistooks (barton) where as souey has a 50% sucess rate. Mind thats very close to sbr sucess rate too.......JJ, milner, viana= crap I would guess that soueys biggest mistake was in trusting FF. Ill bet he misinformed souey over how much spending spower he would have. at the end of the day, it comes down to individual personality as to whether you can see how destructive robert and bellamy were for this club..........souey had the balls to bite the bullet, but it will have been wasted if the next week is empty of signings. Seems like this swek will haunt him for the rest of his life!! -
i dont think this is the answer..... BUT i cringe every time i hear shearer refered to as `GOD`. If you want to split theological hairs.....then this is breaking the 1st commandment (have no other gods before me) So in simplistic terms the club one day will be wiped out, as fire and brimstone rains down from heaven! on another level ...the cancerous evil that inhibits the board room, probably also brings bad karma onto the club!. Here endeth the lesson ) actually its far more likely that God isnt interested in football at all., tho that depends if you think there is a divide between secular and spiritual. Guess this starts to get into theology and scarey!! /scream
1-4 manu will romp home.
yes solano has been a big loss. cried no tears over any of the others. from the highlights i saw of the pompi game the wide mouthed frog was strolling around the pitch, like he was on a hiking trip to buy ice cream........the manager even had a go at him in the interview!! we got the best end of the bargain, wake up and realise it.
sounds like the gay boys in spain are throwing a hissy fit!
call me blonde but... i cant recall seeing him in the depotiva side that played us, he was maybe in both legs, but thtas the worrying part; i didnt really notice him. 9m is alot for an anonymous plaayer!
was shocked that MOTD last night said the ref got both decisions correct. arselickers (
Official Match thread: Arsenal V Newcastle
Womblemaster replied to Scottish Mag's topic in Newcastle Forum
have to admit, i got the result right (predicted 2-0). However i was suprised how we played really wellin first half. We might actually score against lesser teams. Aresenal werent at their best, but still animpressive display by us.......we certainly silenced the gunner fans for a while! -
Dont agree........infact thats rubbish. What i do think souey has been SHITE for is spotting talent. If you looks at big sams [bolton] signings hes picked quality from round the globe at bargain prices........ok these are a gamble, but so far many of sams gambles have paid off . Think he may have a gem, in the mexican hes signed.(u read it HERE!) Souey seems to lack the balls to do this.....or maybe he realises hes not in a secure position like sam is. Most clubs are jealous of wengers ability to do this....and at nufc no manager has been adroit in doing this...and so it oosts the club a fortune. Even thoi am pro soueness, even my patience is being stretched by the lack of signings. imo i think he should take a gamble on some young raw talent from , but ultimately whatever route he takes, there will be too many numbskulls who will just bitch and whine. ROllercoaster season here we come....
not good( assume there was more to the situation than we are fully ware of. Seemed to me that he was worth a gamble on.....esp given the low price tag!
Souness: 'I never leave the chairman alone.'
Womblemaster replied to Scottish Mag's topic in Newcastle Forum
Nice article, seems a bit on the propaganda side tho. I wish i could believe that souness and fatboy had a good relationship, but sadly in reality i think freddy is dangling him on a string. Certainly this is going to be a very trying month..... Talking rubbish again i c leasesmag !! -
is this the black lad who scored against boro in the uefa cup first leg?? last year. if so he looks absoloute class.....worth 5m id say
guess freddy must be getting a load of free guiness out of the trip!!
actually id have smashed his face in. Some welsh people are just born arseholes.(i have an aunty whos married to one) They are just genetically shit people; best avoided or got rid of. can agree on moore, and maybe babayaro, but not faye. Faye is a one dimensional player.....hes good at breaking up attacks, but hes shite at passing, or going forward. Possibly 2m was too much for him, but i think hes good enough to be a squad player. Baba used to be a good player, hes was great player for chelsea when they won the uefa cup back in.....2002 ?? He looks like a complete lasy twat atmo tho; need souness to give him a good hidin ! Moore is a stop gap. To cover while bramble recovers. pretty obvious really. out of interest, who would you go for as a 3rd striker??