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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Richardson was great on CH4's 'football Italia', thought he tried a bit too hard the odd time I saw him on (I think) setanta. Agree with Neville, the odd time I've heard him he's been the best around for a while. I quite like Marcotti out of the journalists even when I don't agree with him.
  2. I think they've got that base covered with Savage, trouble is he's shit.
  3. I'd love to know who decides what ex-player to invite onto these shows, Keown ticks the ex-Arsenal box so the rest of the country get to hear his monotone patter. Lovely.
  4. Ok, Fish, a yes or no answer only regarding Norwich, seeing as your mate supports them. Delia, pissed in a lift with you. She offers a nosh. Yes or a polite refusal? Take your time.
  5. Neil Sedaka was on, played a slower version of 'breaking up is hard to do' on the piano and showed the rest up.
  6. You are B, Bohemian You are R, Really impatient You are A, Always angling You are V, So Vivacious You are A, Such an Arsehole You are D, Super Dave You are O-OOOOooooooo!!! (But thanks anyway, Fish)
  7. That's two old boys so far put the ball past Sunderland, Is MoN trying to be us?
  8. What was the final score in the mackem game?
  9. Watched a bit of Jools Holland's show last night, Jesus was there some fucking atrocious noises on there and Lisa Marie Presley was no exception, (looked rough as a badgers arse as well).
  10. Elvis was a hero to most But he never meant shit to me you see Straight up racist that sucker was Simple and plain Mother fuck him and John Wayne (Blame HF!)
  11. Oh dear, and here was me going to leave it. Tooj, take way the adult bit then the point still stands. I take it nobody will mention taxi drivers when speaking of CT from now on or spring water and pinball machines when talking about J69? Andrew, you had a little bee in your bonnet over Stevie and PL which I found a bit amusing and a little strange as you seemed fairly unassuming and not withstanding the fact they've probably forgotten more about NUFC than you presently know or hazarding a guess ever will. (Got to say I also found you running around Leeds paying a company money to basically play tuggy with people pretending to zombies very amusing but that doesn't mean I don't like you). And that really is my last word on this thread, SMB questioned the free travel for the police, you could've answered him as you did me or as the fish did, that was my main point. Enjoy the rest of your night.
  12. Ok, I'm out of this one. (Especially as I've no real bones of contentions with it). Members of my family have had to put with some right sectarian shit in the police force as basically all sides hated them, one side despised them as the enemy, one side thought they were traiters. They just wanted a safe community, my dad served in the armed forces for twelve years so I'm not anti-services at all. SMB is more worked up about it than me but he's entitled to ask a question about who funds it without being told to fuck off by a mod just getting used to being an adult in the real world. Andrew, I get things wrong from time to time, (no, honest!), explain to me why I need to apologise to you as I really cannot see where I've abused you other than this post? I'll get back to this later on when I'm not on my phone.
  13. I'm begrudging them fuck all, if their perfectly normal feelings of empathy stretch to them attending the funeral of a stranger and a Rail Company decides to foot the bill then good for them. My heart goes out to this young lasses family who is missing, it's truly heartbreaking and as a parent myself I can't imagine what they're going through. If she turns up dead shall I travel down to her funeral or just let her family and friends grieve? If it's the former will the East Coast line pick up the tab?
  14. NO!! THIS IS A BOLD STATEMENT, STEVIE. Anyway, that's me off. Play nice with each other.
  15. We give Man U a good beating every few years before waiting a few years for the next win so I'm not too optimistic. But we'll just blame Barney as it's easier.
  16. He doesn't smoke or drink to be fair, he needs to let it out somehow. (Linekar is a bit of a cock it has to said, though).
  17. That'll be it, probably. Things that are frowned on over here like smoking in confined spaces, not getting washed and having sex with your wife's sister or your local Butcher if you're female are just taken for granted over there. Vive la difference etc.
  18. One said, "Haw-hee-haw, merde" to another who replied, "oui? Haw-hee-fucking-haw!" and the kicked off. It was senseless if I'm honest.
  19. BINGO! Aye there's more things to worry about for definite, for example, if you're unemployed a scrounger and you're worried about how the fuck you're going to pay the bills and all stuff life throws at you. I've not got a problem with this free travel thing in the whole however I would question anyone travelling miles to another part of the country to attend the funeral of someone they'd never heard of last week. (How many people rolled their eyes at the Diana handwringers or have a pop at scousers?). The fact that they were allowed free travel is a matter for the company that took the decision to give them this benefit and their shareholders. (If I was skint and my church going, law abiding pillar of the community Grandmother died would I get free travel to attend her funeral? Of course not).
  20. A Jew, Muslim and a Roman Catholic walk into a bar, barman says, "What a fantastic example of a harmonious multi-cultural society".
  21. Daft thing to say but FFS this tip toe-ing around Islam is getting a bit fucking tedious with the professionally outraged usual suspects being, err, outraged once more.
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