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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. FTM!!!!!!!!! 9-1!!!!! LoL!!!!!!!!
  2. "pulis can rely on this crowd' This co-commentator, is he taking the piss? Must be an ex-Stoke man.
  3. Didn't see those two goals coming, nowhere near as bad as the shit in the last three games.
  4. You don't get the lickings of a dog from Webb, like.
  5. Who the fuck's the co-commentator? The Stoke pa gadgie?
  6. Stoke were dominant according to whoever the knacker I'm listening to. Never mind that shit, CISSE!!!!!!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GbrqjAQll8
  8. Whisper it quietly but we're passing the ball around.
  9. What happened to , CT? (I don't fancy us either, tbf.)
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FuysYMYuAw&feature=related
  11. Never knew, Mac and am glad you seem to giving it your best shot and getting through it. Will read your blog when I'm not at work and awake. You've been a miss, Oz!
  12. Congrats, mate! The happiness you can get from your children you'll now enjoy through their different stages of growing. Enjoy and savour it. (I'll not dwell on the worrying side seeing you're new.)
  13. That's Salty's opinion but what do YOU think?
  14. These Fairs Cup gloryhunters have some cheek, where were you when we nearly got relegated to the 3rd division in the 1930's? Splitters!
  15. It was a bleak day when you were 'fired' out of your Pa's helmet to be perfectly frank.
  16. Maybe it's just me but they seem to get quite a few red card decisions go their way, whether it's one of theirs staying on when he shouldn't or an opposition player being harshly sent off.
  17. Sky Sports Breaking news: 'Arry Redknapp pleads for Abramovich to give Rafa more time as the pressure mounts on the Spaniard, "Nah, you've just got to give Rafa more time, 'es a t'riffic manager, ee dahn't become a poor overnight. Would I like the Chewsea job? I can't talk abaht annuvver managers job but they're a t'riffic club, it'd be a real privilage to be manager of Chewsea, me and my old man would sahmtimes walk dahn the old Kings road and watch the odd Chewsea game, would awso be great to manage young Frank again, he's my nephew and I had him at West 'Am, but I dahn't wanna talk abaht it as they've a t'riffic manager already there, what do you think I am?"
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