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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Wow! Good times ahead, break out the bubbly! Meanwhile........ http://www.channel4....le-out-of-homes http://www.guardian....at-has-no-logic
  2. Obertan and his kid discussing new contract offer. (telepathically, of course).
  3. Yes folks, that's how pathetic the games got. Demba can Fuck off as well as he's straight in the diving school.
  4. "..........And if that fucking waste of space Ranger thinks he's good enough to get 25% discount on his garden feature he can fuck off as £50 might be a lot to Bobby Robson but doesn't last long when when you've a growing business empire."
  5. KSA's 'Michael Winner' style Fish voice was how I'll always imagine him to be honest.
  6. No confirmation whether he's been given official 'uber-Geordie' status yet but it's apparently in the post.
  7. He did the mash He did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash He did the mash It caught on in a flash He did the mash He did the monster mash
  8. Enjoy! I'm just happy to be not going into work at tea time for twelve hours and will be happy enough just being in a warm, cozy living room, sitting on my new settee a bit like this one, (modeled by Adolf below)....... ...... and chilling with a bottle of wine with the missus.
  9. "Colo gogo?" "Colo No no!" "Colo Loco!"
  10. Are there any SO-CALLED namby Pambys in the film?
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