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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. He never said there's a rumour where they're going to replace every seat for terraces yet the amount of people who don't want to stand always reject it and say they're against it when in reality it's about giving people the choice. I don't think it will happen mores the pity.
  2. I was always amused when people in Belfast asked for a chip instead of chips. Would love to have seen the chippy lass put a single chip in some paper and say 'that'll be 5p please.'
  3. CT, I unfortunately have to endure enough infantile, shit American zany humour on the disney channel that my daughters watch. icarley, zak and cody, a dance thing with two lasses, good luck charlie and many other such shit 'funny' shows for pre-teens. These things you're showing reeks of that US dirge. As funny as toothache.
  4. Until this thread I'd never heard of it. Cheers the OP for bringing it to my attention, my life is now fulfilled.
  5. At least we've got Singapore tied up for ourselves.
  6. I moisturise my face by turning the tap on, cupping both hands to collect the water, bend over the sink then lift my hands with the water in to my face. I repeat this a few times rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out. Nivea highly recommends it.
  7. Sorry Gloomy, but that's a 'niet, comrade'.
  8. I can cook but hate using them and never do tbh. I leave that to the wife. Funny how couples wont cook certain things but the other will. The Wife is really great at cooking some dishes but then will ask me how to do sausages!!!
  9. Maybe the 'Forster' thread exhausted the sides of our stomachs through laughing and we need a breather?
  10. Zidane was great to watch, agree with your Maradona comments, he carried two sides to trophies they may not have won without him, (club and country) whilst getting kicked in a way Messi doesn't. Messi is better than Ronaldinho by some way for me though. The original Ronaldo was superb and for a brief spell Romario was too. There's loads you could mention but no 'best ever' would be complete without Billy Askew, though. His partnership with Kevin Dillon in our midfield had me watching through silent tears of awe.
  11. Watched 'Impossible' last night. It was alright. (Barry Norman eat your heart out).
  12. What food processor do you have and what speed do you use, sugartits?
  13. I had chicken breast with home made chips, (healthily cooked chips), some beetroot and pickled cabbage on the side. Had a nice dollop of mayonaise and some very hot cajun sauce too. Wedding do tonight so will eat any shite at the buffet whilst full of beer. (I'll say I ate cous-cous if it helps, though?)
  14. 'Just my opinion' but it's the quietest/low-key I've seen TT since I joined here.
  15. Was at one this morning, Wife says "Aren't they lovely?" as she's friends with the Bride and Chief Bridesmaid. I sang back to the tune of 'Bette Davis eyes'....... "All the lads Think it's a sin She's got.........Peter Beardsley's chin" ......Which went down like a lead balloon with wor lass. Oh well.
  16. I'm gutted about that, like. Means I'm going to hear some more pricks in our media call the Arsenal fans 'long suffering' whilst the next time the pundit refers to us we'll be 'demanding and impatient'.
  17. I think a lot of stuff from around then gets ignored and forgotten amongst the Stock, Aitken and Waterman stuff. A great cover in my humble opinion, love the background beat and how the music almost goes off-key. 'Break it down!' Just an absolutely superb intro and chilled to fuck. 'What's that? you want annaver one? Turn your laptops and mobiles on naaahh!' ......Or just listen to the beat instead, Ray, you cockney twat.
  18. When he gets a yellow....... "Bugger." When he gets a red...... "You're fucking kidding, Ref!" When he reads Scoobos's posts....... "What the fuck he say?"
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