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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. If you want them to be careful with your stuff don't stand around holding an ipad, don't take the piss if they're a bit too Geordie or earthy and, err........actually, just let your lass deal with it. (Good luck!)
  2. There's a big picture here CT, yes, we know what Freddie and Douggie left behind but that does not excuse any of Ashleys tenure, things that affect fans like away ticketing, membership only etc never get mentioned by his supporters probably as most of those blowing his trumpet aren't affected and don't give a fuck. Ewerk, Man U were near the top of the league many times during the eighties, always had a huge profile and won cups got through to finals. If they claim they supported them through 'the hard times' I would actually laugh in their faces. Just because they failed to buy the title for 26 years doesn't mean they were generally shit. They weren't.
  3. No surprise you are taken in by the bloke and his crony to be honest.
  4. I could personally (if I had the money) give every Irish schoolboy a Stoke/Sunderland/whoever club shirt/schoolbag and lets see how many would still be supporting those clubs in a days time never mind 30 years? Nothing at all to do with always challenging for trophies and having 'United' rammed down their throats by Sky etc.
  5. This reminds me of when I was 15 and my sister was 13. She had a cassette of 'New Kids on the Block' and would play it all the time. One day it went missing and wor sis moaned and twisted to my Mam and Dad wanting another one. After a few weeks they gave in but told her to take better care of the New one and not lend it out. After a few weeks that went walkies too! About the same time my Dad dug up the back garden as he wanted to put new grass seeds down. As far as I'm aware, 24 years later, that's where cassette 2 still lies. Cassette 1 went in some random bin on the way to school.
  7. You look like a young Cain Dingle to be fair, Brock.
  8. I wonder how many fatties were told to clear their plate and were somehow implicated in the famine pictures coming out of Ethiopia by stern faced parents?
  9. Clee is a bairn. I'm guessing he and any partners he's had are just a bit inexperienced. Nee shame in that, cleetoon.
  10. Been separated on a couple of occasions for a few months due to various reasons and through the stress, worry of not being with my family I did have the consolation of realising I could pull a million times better than I could pre-the Wife, (17 years ago) and I had some dates, a dirty weekend in Harrogate and, (gasp!) some sexual shenaningans with a few differing females, (some hot, some not). Even a few weeks ago I pulled a fit nurse, (not J69 or Catmag) 14 years younger before common sense wafted its way through the drunken haze and I told the young beauty I wasn't available. What's this got to do with Chez's question? Just a sods law thing that I was fucking hopeless with females when it was a good idea not to be and far better with them when its bad news to be. Cie le vie as they say on French day.
  11. You bet your sweet ass they're going to. Aeris, sweet girl smoking a tab, Aeris. WE are United, Newcastle United, the cock of the North so to speak. Please do not refer to any other club as simply 'United' again my Norwegian poppet.
  12. Boro are a very bitter lot so it wouldn't surprise me at all if this lad was for real.
  13. Go home. Ring work, tell them your son is in hospital and go home.
  14. If your lass has read it, the book will smell like 50 tins of tuna.
  15. I hope things turn out well for your dog, tom and hope Mrs Renton isn't in too much pain and has a quick recovery. Burns always sound nasty.
  16. So does ambition and a chance to play for a trophy winning club. If I was Fergie I'd be after signing him. He's proven in the PL and would be ready made for them, just the kind of signing Fergie likes and money not being an issue obviously. Let's hope it's a load of shite.
  17. Or did he lose his raison det're* once LM left the building? *I'm on my phone, sue me if it's spelled wrong.
  18. He's a good poster so tell him to get his finger out.
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