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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Someone mentioned Stan Seymour and that was a good shout as Seymour played in NUFC sides that won the FA cup and league title, he was an influential Chairman in our fifties cup winning heyday and was known as 'Mr Newcastle'. Colin Veitch was from Heaton, played for us and captained us to three league titles and an FA cup, also played for England. He was active in the very early days of the players Union. Billy McCracken was in the same very successful side as Veitch, a Northern Ireland international defender who mastered the art of the old offside rule so well that goals started to dry up in our games before others tried to copy Billy's methods which eventually lead to the FA changing the offside rule. Goals began to flow once the change was made although a season or so later Bradford City bucked the trend by having a miserly defence. They were managed by a newly retired ex-NUFC player called W.McCackren. Peter McWilliam made up this trio of our best players in the best football team in England before the 1st World War. McWilliam was known as 'Peter the Great' and was a Scottish international when this was a boast. Another Scot, Jimmy Howie, played for us during this period of success where we somehow avoided being one of the few clubs to have done the league and cup double by losing the final v Everton after winning the league. From 1904 to 1910 we won three titles, one FA cup and were runners up twice. (L-R) McCracken in Irish shirt and cap, Veitch in England shirt and Jimmy Howie in Scotland's rosebery shirt. Peter McWilliam Well before our times but 'if you know your history' etc. Every Newcastle United fan should be aware or informed of these men and their achievements and our clubs too.
  2. @NJS, she'd had nothing to eat, was cold and didn't feel too great. It's my hunch that this is the trigger that set it off fwiw.
  3. Aye, she's already had a blood, urine, ECG test as well as an X-ray. We'll be going back for some other tests to see if it could be epilepsy for example. They think she's had a seizure but sometimes people can just have them and it never happen again, this actually happened to an old workmate about ten years ago and they never did find a cause. If it isn't something obvious then they don't seem to worry about it as they they think it may never happen again. It could be easier working out what it isn't than what it is.
  4. Honestly, the time I wasted logging on to youtube to get the Bee Gees 7" version and not a re-mix. Did they not realise there was an emergency? (Of course I had a look at 'Keegan's Kingdom' as well while I was on, I almost forgot why I went on for 'staying alive' to be honest).
  5. '[redacted]' Is that the new way of saying 'Sunderland fan in peace' these days?
  6. I've took the night off again and will just chill out with the family and might get a dominoes pizza or something and just spend some time with the kids.
  7. (I'm just waiting for the pigeon comparison, now like, in regards to the shoulders).
  8. I was starting to lose weight by then, prob half way to what I am now to what I was at my heaviest.
  9. No offence taken! I'm in proportion to my height and build and look neither skinny nor fat. It suits me to keep it that way.
  10. To push him. I'll be honest, I think Gouffran would be a better foil for Ba. Cisse seems less than a natural predator in the box than Ba but we've all seen how Cisse can pull off a goal from nowhere at times.
  11. I'm 11 stone 3, but vary from that a couple of pounds either way depending what I've been eating drinking etc, what's pathetic about that? I think the heaviest I've ever been was about 12 stone 8 about three/four years ago as I didn't give a toss what I ate and drank and more importantly did zero excercise. I only do a run once a week even now which lasts an hour, (about 7 miles), and I don't eat as much shite apart from treats on my rest days. (I used to be murder eating take aways when I'd been on the drink but I don't get out as much as I used to so that helps that problem). I thought to myself one time when I was heavier, 'Look at the fucking state of yourself, man! sort yourself oot!' and I feel good about myself, weight wise. I put a bit on now and then but I don't worry as I know I'll lose it in a week. It's just being sensible, (I'd sooner agree with CT's politics than have a health milk shake or whatever).
  12. I'd like another centre forward in to push Cisse, please. Not a Lovenkrands style stop gap but a real deal player.
  13. Just popped to school and asked if I could see the girls and reassure them all is well as they haven't seen us since yesterday and didn't want them worrying. My Dad would've told them that 'Mammy' was back home and seemed ok but it would've sounded better coming from me. Gave them a big hug and told them how proud I was of them as they came back to the house later on and sorted their school uniform and got their school stuff with their Granny. I was trying to get some recognition from the Mrs as she was lying there but she was just looking at me blankly and couldn't get any words out and as I was talking to her I was just thinking she's going to be like this for the rest of her life, when her lips went blue/black I was telling her to try to breathe if she could in a calm manner for her and my girls sake but was thinking inside 'if he doesn't breathe in thirty seconds she's going to die in front of our kids' and all sorts of crap like that was running through my head, all the time the little'un was screaming and I was trying trying to talk to the 999 operator but was ignoring her at times as I wanted to get some signs of recognition from my Wife. I was just relieved when she got some colour back in her face and she then started to come in and out of awaeness although she was struggling to speak. When she came properly to the relief was immense. She's tired now and a bit bruised from the fall but seems ok. Thanks for the well wishes, just wanted to get it off my chest as it was a bit of a shock.
  14. I was pretty calm for the kids sake and tend not to panic at this kind of stuff but this was another level, I hate to think what would've happened if I wasn't there, (I was due to go to work at tea time). The oldest is usually like me but even that would have stretched her coolness. (she was cool as a cucumber when she had that compound fracture in the summer).
  15. Had a terrible day yesterday, was sitting on the settee about to watch the match, the Wife had just got in from picking the kids up from her mams when she collapsed in the dining room. I thought she'd just fell down at first but as I knelt down she looked like she was having a stroke, I called an ambulance as she then then started to go white faced and her lips turned black/blue and she wasn't breathing for a spell, (only about twenty seconds of not breathing but seemed much longer), I thought she was going to die, all of this in front of my daughters who were frantic seeing their mam like this, the youngest who's seven was screaming. After ten mins the ambulance got here she was breathing and started to come round a bit and hadn't a clue what had happened, which was obviously one hell of a relief for us all and the bairns got to see her looking ok-ish before my folks took the kids to stay at theirs while we went to hospital. She had some tests and they wanted her to stay overnight but we discharged ourselves as she was all in, had had nothing to eat all day, was uncomfortable and we were sat in a corridor, (I was just standing) for a lot of the time as they were really busy and there was a lack of beds, (It's hard to believe how many drugged up/pissed mongs there was on a sunday in A&E btw). Got home last night and we've just got up at nine. I can't wait to get the girls from school as that wasn't nice for me to deal with never mind a ten and seven year old and I can't wait to give them a cuddle. The Docs think the wife had some sort of seizure but weren't sure as the symptoms seemed slightly strange to them. She's going to be referred for some more tests as an outpatient but she seems ok at the minute save for a bit of bruising when she fell. Had better days, like.
  16. Didn't take our chances. Got punished. Thread over, move on.
  17. No, you're wrong. We were fucked by Routledge, (Aeris), and might well have won it had we put Marveaux on when we were getting on top of the game, (CT).
  18. Can we never wear this kit again, by the way?
  19. Tough game where we grew into it. Unlucky for their goal, lack of composure for our chances though.
  20. What a poxy fucking goal. Tough to take.
  21. I wouldn't change a thing, our best spell of the game.
  22. Two sitters skied over. HIT THE FUCKING TARGET MAN!!!! Make the keeper have to save it. A bug bear with me this, like.
  23. For someone who champions austerity, you don't half buy some stuff, CT.
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