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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Kicking myself for bottling out of putting a tenner on Wigan after Tyldsley told me the odds on kick off. Just had a little feeling they'd do it as well, what a silly, stupid, good looking lad with a good sense of humour I am.
  2. I too have had my fingers in many pies and really enjoyed the ladies sighs. I don't watch the Apprentice though so that's it from me.
  3. So that's Swansea and Wigan winning the cups. Fucking seething at Pardew's cup selections and results then and now.
  4. As Stevie Wonder once said, 'Isn't she lovely?'
  5. Knowing my luck if I fell into all those breasts I'd come out sucking my thumb.
  6. Christmas Tree, Christmas Tree, Ridicule is nothing to be scared of Don't you ever, don't you ever Stop loving Fergie, telling us he's handsome.
  7. I clicked on that link. OH MY FUCKING GOD! You bad man.
  8. I love the look of determination on his face as he slides under the truck. What a guy!
  9. Nah, nothing in particular, your name just popped into my head for some reason, that's all.
  10. They'll find out how to contact me. No way way, Jose.
  11. 'Your ip address will be visible if you edit' No thanks.
  12. Fraser Forster. Will be his first signing.
  13. Unfortunately Robert never noticed Punter 4 from Bootle dipping his pocket as he asked Punter 3 for directions.
  14. That reminds me of the time when Shrek Rooney went into Burgerking and asked for two 'Whoppers'. The kid serving then told him he was not only good looking but his hairstyle was fucking mint. My hondacrackas have a picture of the Koh-i-noor on the front. (It's a gem).
  15. Lovejoy, Owen and Ferdinand are the stand-out cunts although Mcmanaman I've always found to have a sneering disrespect for NUFC which bubbles just under the surface.
  16. As for CT, what a refreshing change reading an opening post from your good self and finding the information to be of actual use. Well done you!
  17. Same as it was when I switched! I had Talktalk for my internet for over a year and it was absolute, utter gash. I'm paying a fiver more for bt fibre optic and it's much better and now I've got this as a Brucie's bonus. As for my erm, 'package', well wor lass says it's priceless and like an onion, it can bring tears to her eyes.
  18. Aye, think I read somewhere that Man U fans were planning to do the same for Sir Alex every game in the 97th minute.
  19. Didn't he used to fawn over Kieron Dyer when he worked for the Journal? Was quite a crush he had on Dyer, was definitely wanting to be bezzie mates.
  20. I've only just changed to BT recently so that's me signed up for the channel formally known as ESPN free of charge which I wasn't expecting when I changed. "Nice"
  21. Poor little bastard thought it had a lovely home and a new life away from the Pet Shop for years to come.
  23. "Hi, I'm CT and here's a photograph of what I'm eating."
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