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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Snagger's delusions now include a 'T' in Mick Harford's name.
  2. Mick Harford, you talking about? The ex-Newcastle Utd player?
  3. I thought that bit was inside the shirt at the back but now I've had a better look........ It must be at least a decade since we had a decent home shirt.
  4. What's a 'rabbit teeth' collar when it's at home, then? First I've heard of that phrase.
  5. He can take a bow for the 'Not the nine O'clock news' show and getting to perform a duet with Kim Wilde the jammy bastard. RIP
  6. The final nail in this knackers coffin.
  7. RIP The ex-German Para turned Man City keeper of the broken neck. Died 89 years old.
  8. That's a good point. We were shitting it having to go into a season with Ryan Taylor as our left back plus our two top scorers sold. The fact is that side grafted their nuts off for each other knowing they would have to. I feel last year that the defenders didn't have enough forward players/midfielders going the extra mile to defend from the front and yes I know the injuries were shit but there was a lot more passing the buck and 'not my fault Guv' going on than the previous season.
  9. Well I'd just have to lie back and think of England with her then. They're all good looking girls imo.
  10. I wish I was invited into any of the Girls Aloud to be perfectly honest, Stevie.
  11. I'm kind of encouraging my two that being a teacher would be great for them when they get older.
  12. Not saying the club are putting pressure on Cisse but 'Agentinian day' at the club canteen was hastily changed to 'Bacon butty day' yesterday.
  13. Oh yes, we must keep within the rules, old boy! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
  14. ........And you may find yourself in a shiny new stadium........And you may find yourself in a plastic grey seat.......And you may find yourself in a sportsdirect advert heaven.........And you may find yourself in a wonga football shirt, with a owner who's a cunt........and you may think to yourself........well, how did I get here?
  15. You can overspend as long as it falls within a 3 year budget, your punishment is some time out of Europe I believe? It's ok if you had cash injections before a certain date, Chelsea, Man City etc are fucking cushty darza. What a joke.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6EaoPMANQM
  17. Just got the Sopranos box set today, I almost feel like CT.
  18. That's all well and good but let's see the bit where she tries to throw the ball, eh?
  19. "Oh for fuck sake, do keep up, you're missing the whole point of the superhero genre let alone the dark and quirky machinations of the directors cut of the Batman series."
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