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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Had to suffer the most boring bastard I've encountered for a long, long time this afternoon in a bar whilst waiting to go to the airport. He was a 50 year old tit and a West Brom fan, so shit was his patter that we had to leave early just to get away from him. (After only twenty minutes of him never shutting up he was asking for facebook info despite never having set eyes on the knob till then). After we'd escaped to the airport we ended up cracking on with a 94 year old former navigator of a Lancaster bomber called Albert who was by himself in a wheelchair, (He showed us a pic with his mates standing underneath the Lanc and it was him alright). Albert was also a West Brom fan by coincidence and was as interesting and funny as the former tit was uninteresting and unfunny. Albert said the biggest game of the season for him and the Baggies was when they used to play Newcastle United on a boxing day but he said 'your lot sometimes used to spoil it a bit'. I asked him what he meant and he said the fans that came down sometimes caused a bit of trouble as they were such heavy drinkers. I then asked him when this was and he said before the war in the late thirties! His craic was spot on, mind.
  2. Ditto. Can't get away with twatter either.
  3. Or a decent enough film. I know the British got wiped out totally around the same time at the battle of the place I can't remember. Isanda or something? (I'm on my phone and can't be arsed to look).
  4. Forgot about Zulu. Stanley Baker, Michael Caine, Zulu warriors and Welsh tenors. Fantastic boyo!
  5. Saw a good film a couple of times which was about a Soviet tank getting lost in Afghanistan when they had invaded during the eighties, one of them gets captured and says the only word he can speak in their language which was 'mercy' basically. A different outlook and a good film. Think it was called 'the beast' but not sure?
  6. Sorry about that, Parky, dishing up leftovers from our Cyprus fridge/freezer. Some of those old films seemed to involve different nationalities, the longest day, where eagles dare and the great escape for starters. You also have a bridge too far where the 'world' bit in ww2 seems to get covered. I can't think of many modern war films if any at all where any British involvement is really shown, perhaps I should've said 'documentaries' as well or instead as the amount of d-day documentaries you see on discovery that only cover the US actions is really out of proportion to the actual numbers involved. (Just under half were American forces, over half were British and commonwealth forces). It's probably more to do with a more modern US outlook where they are the only country who counts and why would Hollywood or the discovery channel show a point of view that isn't their own nation? That's my own perception for what it's worth.
  7. In older war films it appears that Britain took a part which doesn't always happen in more modern films.
  8. Burton is class and Eastwood plays the part. The scenery is brilliant and the storyline even if far fetched is good till the end. Also the Gestapo colonel is the most Nazi looking German I've seen.
  9. I've got the series on DVD, it must have been done by a yank, in the series on BBC2 the subtitles show the men on edge when the radio operator gets a message they're all ears, the radio bloke says "Schalke lost 4-0, no final now!" to stunned silence before someone cries schiese! And throws a wrench in the huff. In the DVD version which must be American the same scene has the radio op saying......wait for it......"our favourite soccer team lost."
  10. Try telling Zorba he's camp when he's got a knife in his hand and a sheepskin on and he's waiting to kill you.
  11. Love an old war film. Dambusters Longest Day Bridge over the river Kwai The great escape Das Boot series (has to be in German with English subtitles). The guns of Naverone A bridge too far Where eagles dare Might be the odd one I've missed out. 'Where eagles dare' and 'Das boot' probably being my favourites. 'Laurence of Arabia', man! 'Platoon'
  12. Remember the tv adverts adidas put out with KK, Terry Mac, Sir Les and Shearer? Something along the lines of supplying the (toon) army? Look at us now.
  13. Ewerk's Fatha-in-Law: "I have a cunning plan, so I do."
  14. Strong on formations, weak on donations.
  15. Anyway, lets put the blinkers on and carry on saying 'so what?' about everything on the good ship HMS Ashley's NUFC.
  16. They didn't abandon the North East while they were our sponsor and believe me, I had more reason than most to be pissed off when they transferred to Yorkshire. S&N no longer exist as a local company as they have been owned by Heineken for a number of years. When they sponsored NUFC they were a Tyneside employer.
  17. It could've been worse for ewerk, imagine if they put a wonga shirt on him and drove him around on a trailer?
  18. It does nothing for the 'brand', in fact could mean our next potential sponsor steers clear and we're left scratching around for sponsors similar to wonga. It's embarrassing to the clubs 'dignatas' but this is what we are as a club under our rich owner (who pays peanuts to the majority of his zero hour contract employees). We had Newcastle Brown Ale as a sponsor? This Tyneside institution was/is worldwide brand which brought employment to our City for well over a century and their employees certainly weren't on zero hour contracts as I know as an ex-employee. To liken S&N to wonga is ludicrous. Ditto Northern Rock.
  19. Lazy, eh? That's Roger Barton telt.
  20. Think it looks a bit naff, personally. Wouldn't it be better to wear the new home kit at home to boost sales though? No wonder commercial income is shit other than tv money.
  21. That's nice of them, sharpening their knives as we speak. On a side note, had a dream we were playing Man U on sky but being a dream it was surreal. A middle aged fan played in midfield and knocked a ball up to a lass who turned and caught it on the volley and it looped over Jim Leighton in the Man U goal. It was at the Leazes end of the 80's and almost straight away we scored a header from a corner, (proof indeed it was a dream). Then the commentators started talking pro-man U bollocks, it was Andy Cole and Gary Bennett the Mackem. I started shouting at the telly saying where's the ex-players of our club? Then sky had a caption of medieval archers with bows shooting and a NUFC crest on their helmets which represented a team about to have a corner or cross but they were showing it while the ball was still in play and I'm now screaming at the telly saying 'for fuck sake the balls still in play! How the fuck do I know what's happening if they're showing these fucking archers?' I woke up then.
  22. Most businesses don't like having stock sitting around doing nothing. Mikey boy doesn't seem the type of bloke to spend money on players.......was going to say 'not to play' but I'll just finish at 'players'.
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