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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfPU4HSRXOQ
  2. To be fair to Gerrard, Van Persie is a fucking prick.
  3. That kinda implies those staying away haven't experienced any lows and are baling out because the team isn't doing well which in my own case and a few I know in the same boat is complete horse shit, in fact I'd say they've witnessed a lot more shit than you yourself if you're under 30. (By the way, I'm not implying those going are more thick than those who are not, we've all got our own reasons and thresh holds).
  4. People are already staying away though and it's already had an affect on Jabba hence the 10 year deals etc to persuade people to come back but mostly to make people not give up their ST's and pay less so the mediocrity and blatant lack of ambition is slightly more palatable. The cheaper deals mean less income, nobody buying the shit shirts means less income, (although zero advertising helps this too), cutting back costs at the club on the commercial side must be costing income, a piss poor side to watch will mean less income from outside sponsors as they're attracted by success to certain degrees or a Worldwide appeal. He's going to run this cub into the ground, not like Freddie trying to chase the dream and keep up with the Jones's but like McKeag and Seymour who just couldn't spend and compete which drove us to the 2nd division. McKeag and co never had the personal fortune nor the acumen to develop the club, Ashley does have the money but wants nothing to do with funding the club. I couldnt give a fuck if the man dropped a bollock with the price/debts and his laziness in not looking at the books, the fact that the debt doubled under his ownership shouldn't make us as a club accountable. As I've stated, I've seen lean times before at this club and we were always widely regarded as THE sleeping giant of football, it was frustrating watching us ran by the Westwoods, etc but they did what they could, a fan owned club would get a lot more sympathy and understanding from supporters as ultimately they'd have the club at heart and wouldn't have the shit that Ashley has rained down on us. A fan owned club, (be that the support as a whole or a rich Newcastle Fan), might not have to offer ticket deals left, right and centre as people might be prepared to pay more knowing that their money would benefit the club and they'd have more trust than we do now with Jabba the cunt.
  5. Got to say, I love 'pawn stars' even though it's pretty much staged, also love the obsession with guns in that shop and the obesity of everyone who works there.
  6. So you'll be sitting on your arse tomorrow at work? Heart bleeds, like.
  7. Sherrup man, we're too busy laughing at Wallace/Grommitt/CT.
  8. Unfortunately we're in that 'spectre' of clubs who have to wait 'tiw the big clahbs make their move'.
  9. Probably? You've never had black pudding? It's lovely and I haven't had any for donkeys. Had it as a starter a couple of times with a creamy pepper sauce and was lush as well as being a bit different.
  10. Must have tomatoes, black pudding and mushrooms with a breakfast, beans I can take or leave.
  11. Proof positive that Stevie really can look into the future.
  12. I caught about ten minutes of this once.........Jesus Christ how shit is it? (and are you actually supposed to comprehend the auctioneers over there?)
  13. My avatar pic was one of the views from our stay in Cyprus a few weeks ago. I love it there too.
  14. Aye, tough draw for Ajax, Barcelona and AC Milan.
  15. Loads and I'm lucky I'm alive. I quite liked the time I thought I'd save time at Wembley by jumping off a ramp and onto the top of a van then climb off the van and get ahead of the crowd, had I not been so pissed out of my skull I'd have realised that 1. It was dangerous and 2. It was a police van. Lucky for me it was empty although a policeman on the ramp saw me and told me to 'get back here'. I shouted back up 'should I go the long way back or just climb up on the van?' smiled, shook my head and went on my way.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97-p_hFsFao Is this you, Aeris?
  17. Fair play to the kid now on ssn for concentrating on his presenting whilst sitting next to Kirsty Gallacher without letting his jaw drop.
  18. Come on and Shane, Shane like a star! Shane like a star, This kid will go far. [/Aswad]
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