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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/joe-harvey-memorial-unveiled-former-7028755? http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11678/9281209? Thought I'd put this in here although it probably deserves it's own thread. This is what Newcastle United is about, something the likes of our owner and his paid lackeys, (including our manager), seem content to erode with their defeatist rhetoric and actions.
  2. He'll be wearing a pink carnation. No pressure.
  3. 'I want people to know we're pound for pound doing as best as we can against sovereign state owned clubs, Thanks to Mike.' A Pardew
  4. Really hope they get an away goal early on at Stamford Bridge.
  5. Townsend, "tried to take it down on his chest" as already yellow carded Lampard deliberately handballs.
  6. Running the clock down, loads of 'wounded soldiers' and not a peep out of the commentators.
  7. Beardsley, (as much as I loved him as a player), can be Smeagull. Mike's wages to Peter is obviously precious to him.
  8. These cockney bastards are going to get a result here aren't they after losing to the Mackems on Saturday?
  9. If managers were Lord of the rings characters he'd be Grimer Wormtongue. I'm sure the wanker called the Manchester reds 'united' twice, deliberately the other day as well.
  10. Like a microwaved button mushroom.
  11. Pop along, I'll ask them to knock you up a bacon sarnie/beefburger.
  12. Might go along to this if I can, (shifts/ bairns football permitting).
  13. Heard an American Man U fan on radio 5 this morning saying sacking Moyes would be a bit harsh but they've never plumbed the depths they are at the minute. Also heard some financial bloke on BBC breakfast claim Man U were just out of the 2nd division when Fergie took over. Where do they find these fuckers?
  14. Apparently Stevenage Borough are relegated if they get beat today. They're 2-0 down. Shame.
  15. Too many pain au chocolate for Le Enfant blubberie.
  16. Gosling and Ameobi rallying round Pards after Elliott last week. Mediocrities of the world UNITE!
  17. Tell the useless fuckers to turn it off then back on, Ant.
  18. Not really much room for puns here, mind.
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