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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. That's this cunt all over though, isn't it? (Pardew, not you, Zanetti). That complete and utter tosspot, David fucking Craig yesterday on Sky's Soccer Saturday, managing to do what no other media person can and have a good natter with Ashley, (Which should assure everyone that Craig is in his pocket), spewing forth his Master's propaganda about not being able to compete with the Mancs and Russian cash at Chelsea to win a title, (nice to see Mourinho questioning whether Man City should be stripped of their trophies by the way, what a complete lack of self awareness from another myopic twat, but at least the London Journalists love him, bless his little cheeky Portuguese socks). Err, where was I? Ah yes, our unrealistic expectations of trying to win a title according to Mike Ashley's football spokesman, David 'Propa Reet Bo' Craig. Unbelievable, indeed Jeff.
  2. After Leicester beating Man U and West Brom beating Spurs, I wonder if anyone like David 'I'd like to beat him around the head with a particularly heavy wet fish' Craig, would care to evaluate their opinion of yesterday being a positive result?
  3. Most squids are damp, to be fair, it's the environment they live in.
  4. I mix the treadmill with outdoor running. Usually run past the Toon's training ground but the players must be getting a complex when they see a proper footballer running past them.
  5. Haven't ran for a few weeks so went on today but got off after 15 mins when there started to smell smoke. It was acrid, think the motor or fuse was starting to go. I've worn it out! If this happens to you, CT, unplug it immediately and check for flames.
  6. Really pleased for Cisse and that's where the positivity ends. We're fucked if he breaks down and when we come up against better opposition I fear for us.
  7. (Lord of the dance/drink, drink, wherever you may be) CT! Whoever you may be! You eat shit for your lunch and tea But it could be worse, You could be Ken, Posting pissed from your Aussie Den. (Well it is a random post thread).
  8. Cos the fick fans are two fick to rite proper riting? Are these...... .......yours, mate?
  9. I'm more offended at those two calling themselves 'coaches'.
  10. My 16 year old self would've been a lot more politically aware than some of the adults I see around me today ages from twenty up to their fifties who glean their facts of todays Britain from The Sun, The Daily Mail, Sofa's UK, Taxi Journal and The Daily Star.
  11. Heaton train station. Used to stay at my Grannys quite often and used to walk through this every sunday morning with my Aunt as a shortcut to Heaton Park and Armstrong Park when we walked her dog. Always got a lucky dip at the shop on the other side. Walkergate. My Mam fell down this bridge with my sister in the pram and was in hospital for a few weeks. Wasn't very safe when icy. A better one of Walkergate but it wont let me copy it. It's the first pic of 1970-80. http://storyofmetro.nexus.org.uk/ Walkergate was turned into a Metro station, Heaton station is now long gone.
  12. Really sad to hear that, Stevie. Make the most of it, tell everyone whose close to you that you love them and don't give up hope.
  13. Needs to be Ashley next, should've been first. This can be the trial run for our glorious benefactor.
  14. "Even I see he nicky that one from other wise man."
  15. You taking part in a bout tomorrow?
  16. Oh! Johnny, Johnny! Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny Anderson!!
  17. It kind of mirrors your own perilous journey you make every time you post on here and get into a 'debate' with someone.
  18. .......And here she is......... "CU CT, U an me, boyey, we're awrite, dinnae be changing ya glaikit bastart, ya."
  19. Anyone scared of heights? Fancy walking along this stairway? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmDhRvvs5Xw#t=185
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