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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. "Ve vant names!! Any names!! Who played Vito Corleone in the first 'Godfather' film? Who played McMurphy in 'One flew over ze Cuckoo's nest'? ANSWER YOU SCHWEINHUND!!" "I don't know the names of any actors! How many times? Why wont you believe me?!"" "Ve have a Volksvagon truck outside ready outside, ve have a coaching job lined up for you at Newcastle United IF YOU DONT GIVE US SOME NAMES OF ACTORS!!" "Fuck.......Robert Di Nero.......I think he's one........Look, just don't send me there........I played for Liverpool and England, I'm a legend at 'United' as well. Please.....Anywhere but Newcastle."
  2. Watches clips of himself from his playing days for Liverpool and England, admires his sitting technique on Real Madrid's bench, fast forwards his NUFC spell and pretends he played a significant part in Man U's success.
  3. Anyone winning it who hasn't done so for years or getting to the charity shield by being a runner-up would embrace a day out. Imagine taking that away from them? (Especially if they didn't get tickets to the final itself due to FA giving half the tickets to 'friends' of theirs).
  4. Miss out on a trip to Wembley with more supporters able to get a ticket just so the rich clubs can get a bit richer and some foreigners get to experience something we very rarely do? Fuck that.
  5. Glad you're getting on with it, Stevie and you're keeping your spirits high. This is Stevie coping just fine without the bevy though. http://www.jibjab.com/view/TWWNYdHdQgyW1ZN6UrIl5g?mt=1
  6. Thought old huffy flouncy pants needed a prod to come back, mind.
  7. CT dancing in hats including a Panama. http://www.jibjab.com/view/afyeULTHTqeWE-_mhhXOHQ?mt=1 .....Then into his back garden for a house party with bong and dancing. http://www.jibjab.com/view/1RLP_jOnT1e-sv02EO7znA?mt=1
  8. Happy halloween from all at NUFC. http://www.jibjab.com/view/Ida3GLnAS3u9DSiXYJOCHg?mt=1
  9. He apparently has the rights to the stadium name and the club crest. That'll be money going to him now and not a club desperate for some revenue. There'll still be people in the media who will say in a few years that he's done a great job financially for the club. Apparently the rights to the badge was just a condition of him giving the club a loan. He hasn't actually paid them for it. The stadium name cost him a quid which is a quid more than we got.
  10. Thought this was an interesting take on it. http://www.onfieldsofgreen.com/the-strongest-hand/
  11. Sky sports have been on the phone. They want to know where you got a hold of their ten year pundit blue print from?
  12. Found a link to the Militants harassing the poor boys up from the smoke only trying to help us, Gawd bless 'em.
  13. Aye, they like bringing their families into it, don't they? Made up stories about hating all cockneys, worries their families were going to be targeted by a non-existent 'fret', basically a made up lie. I wonder if Pardew was concerned about his families feelings when he was allegedly shagging around with a players missus? Maybe he's never done this and I'm also making stories up just like Wise and Lambese were when they said KK was wanting to buy Henry from Barcelona?
  14. Sellars was class, not sure who underrated him, Alex? He didn't have a great engine but he had a vision and a pass on him that would shame our current midfield. Think there was a tale I heard about him watching Ginola's first training session after Daveed signed and turning round to Bez and saying 'That's me fucked' as they both played on the left of midfield.
  15. Accadacca, a mackem WUM who still managed to seem more plausible than a certain Taxi driver who is currently MIA, last seen in Asda asking a member of staff questions about whether they'd use butter or marge? I don't mind being had by a fellow football fan who knows his stuff, to be fair, and if one comes along I'll hold my hand up but in the meantime this Accadacca can now spend his time saving up for some much needed cosmetic surgery, because if I looked like him I think I'd shave my arse and learn to walk on my hands.
  16. Ant, is this one a Mackem as well?
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