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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I've got a two year old Samsung Galaxy ace which is playing up. I'm a bit pissed off as I just bought it outright at the time and had no intention of upgrading it for another couple of years.
  2. What's the difference between a pop artist and an ephemeral pop artist? And when is the cut off point betwixt the two? Never heard the song, like. Wasn't too bad but nowt to write home about either. (If anybody from NME is reading this I'm available for musical reviews if the contract offer can match or better my current salary. )
  3. Yes I know he's Danish but it doesn't rhyme.
  4. Peter Lovelyhands, Peter Lovelyhands, Got his pipe and slippers out, 'Cos he's a Kraut, Peter Lovelyhands
  5. I'm half English, half Northern Irish. The Irish part probably gives more of a fuck if England win than the English/Geordie bit. I'm looking forward to watching it for the novelty tbh.
  6. I've never heard of him. Who is it again?
  7. "Ah've already helped Cock-eyed Mala out and did ah get some fun time with his sis? Did ah fuck! If Vicky the Viking can prove he knows his Bjorn Kristenson from Bjorn off ABBA then ah'll see what my sources can do. He must agree to Thomson House free publicity terms though."
  8. Fucking glad that last word was just 'gherkins', mind. Happy birthday!
  9. 'The South Americano, make sure he sleeps witha the fishes, tonight.'
  10. Some good shouts, McGhee was streets ahead of Quinny skillwise and they were a great foil for each other although neither of them had pace, obviously Quinn was a natural predator near the goal. Not really sure Goddard was under-rated as he was the main reason we didn't get get relegated the year he arrived, he was also one of the main reasons we did get relegated the season he joined Gazza and Spotty in leaving us in 1988-89. Sellars was possibly under-rated as we had a cracking side at the time but as per the previous chat with Alex, I think most NUFC fans appreciated his vision. David Kelly is a tough one, under-rated? I reckon his importance has went down in folklore even though he wasn't the best striker we've had. I'd say Steve Watson was similar in being under-rated as Robbie Elliott although I think PL is spot on saying Bez is under-rated. I thought he was the best left back I'd ever seen in our shirt at the time although some fans started looking for scapegoats among a talented team and some picked out Bez which was very harsh in my view. I sometimes used to think we were quick to forget about Andy Cole after Les and Shearer were our main men but for me Cole was fucking class. I'd also say a few of us, (myself included), underestimated Gary Speed for the first few months although that might have something to do with Dalglish's use of him and they way were playing. Solano was never under-rated IMO.
  11. No hols for me and my family this year nor the next one either. Booooooooooo.
  12. I've been a bit Michael Owen, I'm afraid, only one I've seen was a rom com with the kid who played Harry Potter and it was largely shite-ish really.
  13. Good to hear you're still on the ball, Stevie. Keep it up, mate.
  14. If Sunderland and Newcastle Utd swapped managers, who would finish the highest? As for the Chelsea/Man City question, I'd still say Chelsea if all the players stayed the same and it was for this year only.
  15. I don't give a fuck about Man City or Chelsea either, hoy another question up!
  16. I'm worried he'll end up having his Rangers cake and still get to eat his NUFC one.
  17. I know NI has a large public sector workforce, I still think it's outrageous you don't get paid sick pay, mind. Despite being from a country with a healthy amount of err, how say....'rebelliousness', whenever I've been over there I've often been struck by a lack of fight for workers rights although to be fair, you lot maybe had other more pressing matters on your hands whichever side of the fence you sat on. Obviously I don't live there and might have the wrong end of the stick, though.
  18. Not sure what you mean by not getting paid until they qualify for SSP. Does that mean that they do get paid their full wage if they've been employed for a certain number of months? Also Luck didn't come into this, it was fighting for rights throughout the years and giving and taking with employers to get a mutually beneficial workplace for both sides. Genuinely staggered that you've never heard anyone moan about not getting their normal pay while on the sick although, although saying that, I'm guessing we're from different working backgrounds, maybe you're compensated elsewhere with a better all round package which negates the lack of sick pay?
  19. That's correct, only job I've never been entitled to my normal pay for the misfortune of having an accident or being genuinely, and proven to be, ill. Are you on the SSP when you're bad? Are you happy with that if you are?
  20. There's nothing but taking and absolutely no giving and it's been that way for years in certain industries. If I go on the sick I won't be paid. I am not self employed nor am I an agency worker but work for a global giant with a unionised workforce. Employment rights are not pretty good and are only going backwards. Again, maybe it's just the industries I work in that are run by idle, conformist, spineless, greedy, heartless set of CUNTS.
  21. "Ah was wearing this very same get up when ah got the Bigi scratchcard story from under Custis's nose."
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