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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. The amount of free headers we allow is beyond a joke, like.
  2. Stevie Taylor's going to do his nut when he sees Dummet in the away end.
  3. Pass, ole! Pass, ole! Pass, ole! Williamson, hoof! (You're not ole-ing anymore! You're not ole-ing anymore).
  4. What a goal! Good on Sammy for seeing the chance. Still a worry these free kicks. Coloccini, what the fuck was that?
  5. Agree with that. A defender stops the ball going in the same way it's a red, what's the difference?
  6. Ameobi's going to have to watch these free kicks he's giving away. How the fuck are they complaining about that handball?
  7. Good strike by cabella, great lay off by the Hull kid.
  8. Atrocious game so far. Both sides look shit.
  9. Let's just think about current and past owners of football clubs, let's think about past and present football agents and managers. Let's think about FIFA, UEFA and our FA. Let's think about the 39th game and Scudamore. Now let's think about the word 'Trust'.
  10. A 'Club' should be transparent to it's members, (supporters). That these clubs are not answerable to it's members and consider themselves purely business entities then that explains why the game in this country is fucked when you look past the Sky branding of the national game.
  11. ......And can you post a bit more on there if you do?
  12. Would also add that it isn't just the politicians simplifying stuff as I've seen the BBC just describe any chief executive of any company as just 'Bosses'. The American influence is unbelievable as well. Almost ten minutes of One O'clock half hour BBC news programme had two different reporters, one in Boston, one in New York to tell that one had some snow, but not as much as thought, the other to say that they had more snow than New York but things were carrying on as 'they were used to it here.' SO FUCKING WHAT?! (And don't get me started on SKY).
  13. You go out more than the street lamps do at sunrise.
  14. Just watched it. Pretty depressing but confirming a few of my thoughts on the situation.
  15. I'm wading through wet cement in a pea soup fog with compliant middle class 21st century Hitler Youth drones constantly twisting my melon, man.
  16. The best role I've seen Anita in was his small part in one of my Ryder diary entries when he was in the Metrocentre and got mistook for a waiter by Ryder. He took a good part in that.
  17. He's a traquistra, man. You a fucking dinosaur or what?
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