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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Jason Donovan? "All the best Stevie, the donation is especially for you."
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbHLV5EXAaE&list=UUSmnYSUTz1Dyu9DsBGoeGDQ Nice sunday afternoon at Highbury when our club wanted to compete to the best of their abilities.
  3. I'd buy about a hundred hamsters, when they started dying I'd put them in a pot with 20L of boiling water, 5L of syrup and add 5kgs of sugar. I'd boil them for five hours constantly stirring until I'd made a kind of jam. I'd then taste it and if it was shite I'd chuck it on my lawn. The next day I'd arise to see a smattering of daisies where I'd chucked the concoction. I'd then rub my chin, shake my head and think to myself, 'strange, you usually get tulips from Hamster Jam'.
  4. "Steady on old chap, Just because I'm keen on those Magpie fellows doesn't mean I'm common, what?"
  5. All he wanted to do was move the rose bush in the middle, push the daisies out wide and lay some new turf for fifty grand a year; Jonas Shane Roses Marveaux Daisies SBR-Charity Ashley-Genuis £50 Cherry-Tomato Budgie-RIP
  6. What a bunch of wankers. All CT wanted was for someone to answer his simple question. How hard was it to do? Sure, there was umpteen pages on it but come on, does he really have to read them again? The man's on a tight schedule here, there's something waiting in the oven and his camera's charging up as we speak.
  7. Unfortunately our local press decided to inform the players we had Man City in the next round and poor Abeid got a bit distracted by that.
  8. Shame our radicalised internet fans laced Cisse's drink with ebola otherwise we might have scored a fird.
  9. Our radicalised fans cost us another goal by wanting a fird?
  10. Our name has changed from just 'Noocarsuwl' to 'Noocarsuwl, bottom of the premier league' according to the presenter on SSN as he's said it quite a few times now.
  11. Couldn't find praise for Ben Arfa, praised Obertan instead.
  12. HBA puts a brilliant through ball in as hull take the lead. (Just saying!)
  13. Anyway, Souness is a warning about coming across well on tv and being a good manager the fucking fraud.
  14. Never heard anyone say it let alone, everyone.
  15. Part two: We're a PL club.......Get us out of this!
  16. At the end of the day it's personal to the person who boycotts or attends. Alex and PL allude to people maybe making more of an issue about not going to games to Ashley rather than other factors and I'm sure this is right in some instances, but, some people, and I'm speaking for myself here, feel like there's fuck all they can do about this manky mob who run our club, fuck all bar doing the only thing which will show an instant rejection of them and that is to withold our attendance and cash. I can't call anyone who goes particularly when I'm in a calm mood for a HMHM in his teens/early twenties would've still went but would've kicked up a stink in and around the stadium, then again, I wouldn't have been alone in this. We all have our own breaking points and mine broke a while back. I don't work weekends anymore and when I've been in shifts that allowed it I've always went to games as it's something I enjoy, I enjoy the craic, I enjoy the peeve and I enjoy letting the vocal chords get an airing. If I felt as one with large parts of our support then I'd even consider doing as HF suggests and raining shit on Ashley as well as giving the team some support with some actual proper decent songs and chants but I feel no empathy with loads of our support these days and I'm not the only 'older' head to say it either. I read about stewards confiscating stuff from fans before the turnstiles and putting them in binbags and it seemed to just be accepted albeit reluctantly. I never heard of blazing rows, I never heard of pushing or shoving or people standing their ground, (a lot easier when you've had a sup). I never heard of anyone stating their rights etc. Ashley has won, some of our fans are knackers, some aren't happy but put up with it, some just go and blot him out. I look at my money and have the slight satisfaction of not putting it into Mike ashley's NUFC which is a different club to our NUFC. That's all I have. Hope PL enjoys the game tonight, (he will), and I hope we all get our wish and something, somehow, turns up.
  17. Well done. (although in a year or two you'll be fucking sick of the place and smiling at your post).
  18. Thought it would be up your street, Stevie. I know you're a big fan of his.
  19. Pardew: "Yeah it was really tough aht there, you know. Kinda reminded me of my time in 'Nam." Interviewer: "You were in Vietnam?" Pardew: "worse than Vietnam, mate, fackin Dagenham. The queues outside Tesco in the week up to Christmas, let me tell you, it separated the men from the boys."
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