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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Found a link to the Militants harassing the poor boys up from the smoke only trying to help us, Gawd bless 'em.
  2. Aye, they like bringing their families into it, don't they? Made up stories about hating all cockneys, worries their families were going to be targeted by a non-existent 'fret', basically a made up lie. I wonder if Pardew was concerned about his families feelings when he was allegedly shagging around with a players missus? Maybe he's never done this and I'm also making stories up just like Wise and Lambese were when they said KK was wanting to buy Henry from Barcelona?
  3. Sellars was class, not sure who underrated him, Alex? He didn't have a great engine but he had a vision and a pass on him that would shame our current midfield. Think there was a tale I heard about him watching Ginola's first training session after Daveed signed and turning round to Bez and saying 'That's me fucked' as they both played on the left of midfield.
  4. Accadacca, a mackem WUM who still managed to seem more plausible than a certain Taxi driver who is currently MIA, last seen in Asda asking a member of staff questions about whether they'd use butter or marge? I don't mind being had by a fellow football fan who knows his stuff, to be fair, and if one comes along I'll hold my hand up but in the meantime this Accadacca can now spend his time saving up for some much needed cosmetic surgery, because if I looked like him I think I'd shave my arse and learn to walk on my hands.
  5. Ant, is this one a Mackem as well?
  6. Vaccine deniers? Never met any of them but I've met met some vagina deniers who wouldn't give me any access to their honeypots in the past.
  7. That's about it, like. This is where the likes of The Sun become dangerous with their propaganda equating ECHR to a bunch of British hating foreigners giving a free ticket to the likes of this Hamsa bloke and where they are very useful to the Tories.
  8. Agency workers didn't have rights to holiday pay, this was something Europe imposed on a very reluctant Tory Government in the nineties.
  9. He bought us for £134M, £55M is just what he paid Hall.
  10. He's not kidding about the cars driving too close. Here is some CCTV footage of him leaving a shop. "Yeah love, camming home now, yeah I got the milk and bread an........Woah!! Fackin' hewll!! Nearly got me there! Dahnt worry, I get it. I will go home, shine my manager of the year trophy and give myself a bit of confidence."
  11. Sure, allow me. (Adams family tune) Der der der der Bom Bom Der der der der Bom Bom Der der der der Der Der der der Der der der der Bom Bom. The Brucie family started, When Steve 'Pat Butcher' farted, His hair the shockwave parted, The Brucie family. Der Der Der Der Bom Bom Der Der Der der Bom Bom Der der der der Der der der der Der der der der Bom Bom. Hope that helped, Howay.
  12. Think it was Shankly who sent a couple of his staff down to an FA course on coaching at somewhere like Lilleshall and when they got back a week later he asked them if they'd memorised their FA training? They said they had and he replied with something along the lines of 'good, now I want you to do the opposite of what they told you.' It might be a myth but sounds canny. Nolan should do the same if he ever fancies a managers job.
  13. Would be interesting to see how Nolan would get on as a manager as he's been a pretty good captain in the past and seems a natural leader. Not sure we are in the position to take a chance although saying that, when KK was unveiled in 1992 most thought it was a ridiculous appointment and doomed.
  14. I hope this isn't a hint for someone to equal the amount of times you've told us you're rapping your ST in with the same amount of £s.
  15. Seems El Tel always wanted to manage us. "The recent low atmosphere in the North-East is expected to be exacerbated by plenty of hot air pushing up from the South-East of England."
  16. Didn't know where to put this but considering the hassle the club had getting academy status granted to them under the football genius' watch I thought I'd put it here. I've noticed yet again our young'uns getting beat, nothing new as they always seem to every time I look on nufc.com. This time the U18's were beaten 1-5 at home to Liverpool's bairns whilst at the same time the U16's were taken apart by a scoreline reading 11 (eleven) - 2 by their red counterparts. What the fuck's going on? I sometimes run on a public footpath that bisects the academy and one time when I noticed they were having a training game I stopped for five minutes to see how they were getting on, One thing that stood out is that they didn't seem that good! Another was a scouse voice shouting out stuff like getting stuck in etc which I took to come from Everton man, Dave Watson although I couldn't make him out as he had his back to me. I tell you what, we're not exactly churning the players out of our 'reserves' the last few years are we?
  17. "Nee bother, wor kid, it was just one small step."
  18. "So has the Cobber got cancer or not?" - Kenneth, Australia.
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