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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. We'll be worse off by £1,267 in 2017 according to that. Way to go! (I'm a 'hardworking tax payer' by the way. Thought he was going to look after us?)
  2. Just heard a bit on radio 4 on the way home. Seems like 2017 will be the time he's going to really start hitting the tax credits from the bits I heard. Will be happy if I got the wrong end of the stick.
  3. I could always do a bit of blob to make it up but that would depend on it being available, would mean me sacrificing time with friends and family, would mean more tax credits being taken from us the following year for earning more than my standard wage, which would have me needing to work even more blob to cover the loss of tax credits which might not be available which would mean sacrificing time......etc......and on and on and on. Ariston.
  4. Can George or CT nip into my work and tell them to make up the tax credit loss in 2017? Cheers.
  5. Tax credits goes down the more you earn up to their limit. Anyone within the tax credits catchment pays differing amounts accordingly. Looking forward to having less money. It's only fair after all.
  6. "The usual is it, CT?" "Aye Al, am fusty as fuck, marra! Been detecting ahll day the day since ah got me new improved metal detector last Satda. Five hundred quid! Bargain!"
  7. Thought about it but I really don't fancy these 'remote learning' course things and my shifts fuck up any courses at a college as they change every week. Anyway, must be something I can do without the need for a degree, honestly, some of the thickest twats I've known have degrees.
  8. I've been thinking about changing career for a couple of years and am still in the same job. It's frustrating knowing I can't just 'change' as my missus can't work and we'd be penniless if I went to study full time. The idea of working in the same or a similar environment for the next twenty years depresses me to be honest.
  9. "I'm getting something........it's coming through from the other side............I can feel pain and anguish.........yellow........some green too........are you there my little friend? Why are you restless?" "Greetings from the other side, Stevie McFaul-Marshall-Barnes. Why am I restless? I am CT's budgie, or should I say I was CT's budgie. Like all his hobbies he got sick of me and buried me under his garden tunnel abortion that he managed to fuck up as well. I cannot rest in peace till he stops tormenting innocent creatures and I see he's tormenting the poor fucking dog now. Please, Stevie, inform the authorites or the OB. Pass on my love to my little chicks and wor lass. Tell them I'm watching over them. Until later......I can see a bright light......it's amazing.......Oh shit! It's just CT's taxi pulling up on the drive. He's got his fucking fog lights on!""
  10. Dirty bastard. I'll be phoning the RSPCA as soon as I've posted this.
  11. Monitoring the situation like a desperate peeping Tom monitoring the local beauty before he sees another bloke take her out.
  12. Me and mine are going. Went last year and was canny.
  13. Sounds similar to how the likes of Spiderman and the Hulk gained their superpowers.
  14. I drove through Fawdon this afternoon to go to work, the fanny was in the Marilyn Monroe league. Marilyn Monroe now.
  15. Gemmill's a walking advert for 'Relate'. Fish is a walking advert for the first train back from London. CT is a walking advert for contraception. Don Draper, move aside.
  16. He's Sylvain He prob'ly thinks this post is about him.
  17. Saveloy, pease pudding, home made stuffing and English mustard in a bun. Furking luuuurrrrsh!
  18. "And here he is. Had him on the table for a bit but think he'll look better on the decking as it looks more like a stage for the prince of pop."
  19. After narrowly avoiding a woman who was in the wrong lane suddenly turning into my lane at a roundabout I was cheered up no end seeing a dog looking out of a car window absolutely fucking loving it.
  20. I reckon CT should take the Gem under his wing, take him to some of his old hot spots for tapping the fanny and use his patter to get Gem well in with the female species. It would be a scream, man.
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