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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. http://www.freeinvaders.org/ http://www.freetennis.org/
  2. "Hi, CT here. Unfortunately I can't be here right now to comment on this thread as I'm busy fannying around with my latest attempt to find some meaning in my life, namely metal detecting. However here is a post I recorded earlier on this very subject before I researched the facts which I would've ignored anyway, let's be honest. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy!.......... 'Sure, we all have fond memories of good 'ol Auntie Beeb, who can forget Angela Rippon dancing with Morecombe and Wise or my own personal favourite, Noel's House Party? But times move on and this bloated company needs fresh investment which only privatisation can give it. So it's a thumbs up from me to Dave and the team holding the country together after tidying up the mess from Labour. Same old Tories, getting it right as usual.'
  3. Seems to me the Tories want their cake and would jolly well like to eat it as well. They already have a sizable majority of the media in their favour but get rather huffy that one of them, the main British broadcasting entity doesn't entirely follow suit, it simply isn't fair! The fact that I consider the BBC to be very lenient on the Tories and the Tories take the opposite view proves, as stated, the BBC can't be doing too badly. The Tories are also trying their damnedest to further water down any chance of union unrest in what is already the powder-puff power of the unions and their membership. (The fact that nobody in the media has asked any Tories what a mythical 'Union Baron' is and exactly how and what powers they have compared to actual Barons and Lords who have wealth and power bestowed on them by birth and cronyism is pretty telling). The tories hold most of the cards but they don't want most of the cards they in fact want the fucking whole pack, aces, Queens, Kings the lot. If Toonotl doubts the influence the media over here have then he only needs to read this thread then look at how the Tories have gotten their majority with people being brainwashed with stuff the Daily Shite puts out on a regular basis plus the demonising of any fucker who happens to be receiving any kind of benefit whether in work or not, by the benefit porn shows that portray the poor in a very skewed way. I am convinced there'll be some thick cunts out there who voted conservative and then slowly realised that they're going to be a hell of a lot worse off as they thought the cuts would only hit some mythical 50" plasma tv buying, shell suit wearing, white lightning drinking charva in Middlesbrough instead of themselves.
  4. Aye, he never held back with that insult. "Downt even get my started on that utter, utter snoike, Delph. Wite till hy ploys at Villar Park. Hy'll get absalowteloy hammered by the Hoilte end, he will."
  5. Fuck all. West Midlands police force had a reputation for being cunts, basically. Luckilly I was too young to be charged although a couple of my mates weren't so lucky a few years later in '93 and were charged for again, fuck all at the same ground/Police force.
  6. "Delph you snake!", pronounced, 'Delf, yow snoike!' Actually funny seeing those gates because the last time I saw them was with two ejected Villa fans in the 1988-89 season, looking through the gap to watch the rest of the game after I'd been chucked out the ground and frogmarched alongside the pitch to a chorus of 'naughty boy, naughty boy' from the away support.
  7. 70%! 148! My memory is shocking, spelling permitting, even managed to miss out obvious ones like Beardsley, Nobby and Albert. Pre-95 I'd piss this.
  9. California is the Golden state. Florida is the sunshine state. Ryder is a right fucking state.
  10. Me looking at that little jig..........
  11. Sorry to hear about your troubles, Troops, but heartened by your outlook. Not sure I'd be the same in your shoes, mate.
  12. No. Just watched the yanks in the crowd, fast forwarded to the goals.
  13. "So basically, as ah sez before, if this game had've been in England, tv replays woud've meant that wu WOULDN'T have got beaten instead of ACTUALLY getting beaten. Do yiz understand now, like?" "I'm sorry buddy, we only speak English."
  14. Am just watching this now. Did the live viewing have sound as what i'm watching now doesn't?
  15. "My dearest Gemmill, even though you are sitting opposite me there are some things that can only be expressed in e-mail format. I want very much to have hot sex with you and see that famous mouse of oriental origin. Maybe we can watch a show afterwards? My sincerest love, Bob. P.S. Can you forward the department accounts on to me when you have the time? The boss is chewing my ass over here, already."
  16. Ever cheated death? I once compared another woman favourably to wor lass in the first couple of our years together but managed to live. Just.
  17. https://twitter.com/VintageFooty/status/620702916647735297/photo/1 Great pic imo.
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