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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Luckily I had ten cans of draught Guinness to help me through it unlike the poor bastards who shelled out to watch that steaming pile of shite.
  2. That's about it. Pardew's set up and fave picks had me squirming before a ball was even kicked.
  3. We're all a bit tetchy around these parts in the last day or so aren't we?
  4. Happy birthday, Gemmill! Hope the cat and the Roomba got you something nice.
  5. pissing against the wind, HF, especially if you're target is national.
  6. Pre-kick off I saw the line up and I felt we were fucked. No surprise how it went.
  7. Their fans as well, man. FA cup 6 months ago, three points off top 4, into the next round of CL. Faces like little Isabella of Islington who didn't get that pony for Christmas off her mummy and daddy. Here! Arsenal fans! Are these yours?
  8. This game has just been described on sky sports saturday as the 'Underachievers v Overachievers' where I think we are meant to be the Overachievers. :lol: "Now that's what I call fucking unbelievable, Jeff."
  9. 82, (eighty two) years young today! Happy birthday, mate.
  10. Fish has completely let himself go since CT left, he's a'all ower the shop.
  11. Ok, then Fish, I set the trend a few years ago by playing just off the front men, out wide on the left. As I was cool as fuck I called it the 'Eth eth eth eth eth eth eth eth eth eth, shminky pinky pussy' role. It was the new sensation in the Mediterranean leagues, I imported it over here.
  12. No it's still comes across as a wanker talking shite. Probably talking shite with a shit mess of a beard.
  13. Am having some real shit with my place as well. It's got to the stage I'm putting dates, times and conversations on my pc. I've gave them a bit of a bloody nose, they came back for more, I beat them again but now it's obvious they feel like I've put their noses out of joint and they're gunning for me. Wankers.
  14. That's just what the Mob tell the hotel owners to put on their annual accounts.
  15. (old but still), Please. at this time of the year, spare a thought for those less fortunate than yourselves....... Follow
  16. There's a wide variety of cockney twat on taksport. there's Cundy and pal who are wankers, there's the chelsea half of hawksbee and jacobs who's a bit of a prick and there's also the insufferable twat, Johnny Vaughan. They're all Chelsea fans, all think think they're funny and all have patter that would make an onion cry.
  17. Heard the Chelsea half of Hawksbee and Jacobs on my way to work on Monday. I think he's got a bit of form with us anyway but his assertion they should have been three up after 30 mins and his disbelief of Shearer and others who said we were brilliant summed them up. He did say well done we defended well but we only had two shots according to him. Bitter twat.
  18. 122 years ago to the day when a meeting was held in Bath Lane to change our club's name to Newcastle United. Although it was to become a famous name, those present at the 19th century meeting would have no idea that over one hundred years later outsiders working in newspapers and an unknown invention called 'television' would gradually start to try to erase the 'United' part of the club's title as it didn't suit their needs. http://nufc.com/
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