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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Thought he looked as good in his own centre half position as the likes of Clarkie, Watson and Robbie Elliott looked in their respective roles. I either must have had CT goggles on or he just let himself down somewhere down the line?
  2. 'That Brazilian bloke?' Fucking hell, man! We've got Mirandinha! He's not from Argentina! He's from Brazil, He's fucking brill. Was fucking average really, but had a powerful shot on him and was a good penalty taker. Ball greedy to the extreme. But he played for Brazil at Wembley and scored not long before he signed so he was exotic and could do no wrong to this young supporters eyes.
  3. Dave McKeller Chris Hedworth Jamie McGlen
  4. Michael Owen Alan Smith Damien Duff
  5. Neil Simpson Darren Bradshaw Des Hamilton
  6. Membership only for aways is still scandalous, particularly if you can only go to the odd game.
  7. HR is the management in reality, you'll get fuck all from them, in fact they tend to be worse than the actual shift managers who take their direction from senior HR and above. Get your union involved as shite as you think they are. If needs be get him told about the whole episode in detail and that you're not coming in at all and wont accept anything else than your holiday. Although Gemmill is right, you shouldn't have argued with them in the first place, you should've TOLD them it had been agreed, arrangements were in place and you wouldn't be in on the 2nd. In other words, politely told them to fuck off.
  8. Mick Lowes, man. 'two bad results don't wipe out two good months'. Err, Michael, two good months don't cancel out seven fucking abortion of months either, mind.
  9. How the fuck does he manage so many heavy defeats? I can never remember a time where we've suffered so many heavy defeats in a two/three year period.
  10. Not like a Pardew team to get a twatting, just two in a row not for the first time.
  11. If this fucker isn't a Mackem, Pardew isn't a clown.
  12. I'm surprised we've been so well beaten again. It's not like the team was poorly set up by a manager who's got form for hidings.
  13. I also hope you're wrong but also agree.
  14. Keegan wouldn't get a response? Not from the current regime he wouldn't, from the supporters I'd say he absolutely would. The best football I've seen in my life at NUFC was through his philosophy.
  15. Fee Fi Fo FumI smell the craic From a sad Mackem
  16. There are no words, really. When you've reached the depths of doing this atrocity you've already lost. RIP the victims, my deepest sympathies to the families and friends.
  17. Has Leazes infected Toontastic with spambots that write drivel about dating sites, viagra, Russian diet tips and endless questions of the day?
  18. Send the cunt up here and I'll patiently explain things to him. Fucking Arsenal fans, man. Was he one of the 17,000 who saw us beat them at Highbury pre-Wenger? Keown saying the other day that, no disrespect to Liverpool, but Arsenal v Man U was the 'El Classico' of England. And they call us deluded? Honestly cannot stand these pretentious set of arseholes.
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