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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Aye, the fucking twat. (Anyone have a clue what he's going on about? )
  2. "There's nuffink fantastic abaht the yoorowpa fackin' league, Fish! 'Ow many fackin' times do I ave to say it?"
  3. Never got the chance to have a bit of a craic with the Gladbach lads. I got lumbered with Frau Heidi instead.......She had no fucking clue about offside, traquistas, false number nines or fuck all. Frau Heidi, yesterday, drinking with HMHM.
  4. No, I found it when I was looking for 'Man dressed as a cock, diving into a sand constructed vagina' gifs.
  5. Interesting that Stevie thinks Haidara was shite, He's also a worry for me, him or Dummet at LB? No thanks. Janmaat gets injured at RB? Who else is going to be good enough there? We all know the CB issues, three quarters or at least half, of our back four are just not up to a PL season in my opinion. (It is hardly going to help Mbemba settle in when he's under pressure straight away, let's just hope he can head a ball because fuck knows the rest back there can't).
  6. Lass from South Shields discovers spider in her knickers, resorts to dancing after shock.....
  7. It's all part of the masterplan, don't have back ups for certain positions, play players out of position to make do, ideally players who are still acclimitising to this club/country, ruin said players as their confidence goes. Loan them abroad for a year and then sell at a loss. Cheaper to just target under strength positions and pay the going rate.
  8. I'm thinking of doing something different but I've no idea where to start as there really is no beginning to my talents. Saying that, I'm thinking of opening a small sports journalist cafe where weary sports journalists come come in a and partake in coffee, tea, whiskey or bottles of Stella. I'd obviously put some bait on with maybe a local flavour, say, slithers of saveloy on a platter with micro portions of black pudding, pease pudding served with a separate small plate of a quarter piece of locally baked Stottie. A kind of fusion of a Tyneside tapas if you'd like.
  9. All professionals do, particularly young growing ones.
  10. "Arrrghh!!! Morlocks!!! They've turned into Morlocks!!!" "Gaaa ggaaa gooogoooo!!! Morlocks!!" "Wheres the fucking ball went, now? Errr, I mean....Morlocks!!!" "What yaz going on about, Marras? Ah've just been to Calais on a booze cruise with our lass. Ah got two slabs of LCL, five bottles of gin, some baccy and a few sleeves of Embassy Regal. Ah'll sell half to me marras in the Boldon Colliery sewshall club and ah'll keep the rest for masell, like."
  11. Jose Mourinho is such a colossal wanker only surpassed by his fawning admirers in the media.
  12. I'm open to suggestions as I'm sick of my job/career. Probably thinking of being a gigalo or a bra fitter to some supermodels but am not too fussy.
  13. They're big bairns who are too selfish to give a fuck about what they're doing, unfortunately.
  14. Not writing him off at all but I have my doubts.
  15. Am just saying that good players stand out in that league, good side or not.
  16. We were dominant because we had players better than their second div counterparts. Because they were better. A good player should stand out in that league imho. Enrique and Jonas just laughed at the players going down the left side of the pitch.
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