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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. Tiote and colback don't have a first touch between them.
  2. One positive is they look as shit as us defensively. Get in!
  3. Howard Kendall has died. Not a bad side he had down there at Everton. Seem to recall vague rumours of us wanting him at some point to manage us with the fact he was from up here being one of the positives. RIP
  4. (Like Don, he's a bit of a 'whispering grass' as well).
  5. This is who he looks very much like if you find it sexy?
  6. Actually work with a sad fucker who who lives by himself with two cats, (Not Gemmill), doesn't like confrontation, is OCD, always does the wrong thing at the wrong time, says the wrong thing to managers, is generally a a sad sack. He always talks about blowing up all the middle east, bringing back capital punishment, shooting the whole lot of 'em, (immigrants), believes EVERYTHING he sees in The Sun when he reads it, (he doesn't buy it but is happy to read others papers), thinks everyone is a scrounger who are on any kind of benefits but seems to forget telling me he was seeing a doctor for depression when he got made redundant. He is your fifty something sponge who soaks up all kinds of shit and piss he reads, comes across as an intelligent bloke but when challenged melts quicker than a snowman in the Sahara. I usually sway from feeling sorry for him to disliking him. (He's universally disliked at work probably as much from an uncanny ability to send a glass eye to sleep with his incredibly piss poor craic as much as his views). Guess which way he votes?
  7. I'd bring back crucifixion. "Nail some sense into them!"
  8. 'Get your £3 posters now! Get your £3 posters now!'
  9. Anyone else with the the same problem as KCG can call 0898 800855. (Ask for anal services).
  10. I can see Granada TV interviewing his neighbours in a few months; "He seemed such a nice boy, rarely saymed like he wouldn't hurt a fly, liked his computer games and such like. Couldn't belayve it when he went on t'killing spree with his bow and arrows, ah says to my husband, 'Godfrey, you won't belayve what young Andrew next door has gone and done' Godfrey says it's always the quiet ones you've got to watch, mind."
  11. I'm only seeing a sports direct flash sale with nothing about nufc in that link?
  12. Blatant sex pest, here mind.
  13. Some journalist in meenzers link, top of this page, Stevie.
  14. You could just go in there windmilling to your hearts content.
  15. Not surprised the back page lads didn't want to speak to him with shit patter like this. 'Is it cos I cockney?' 'No, it's because you're a knob.'
  16. Honestly have no idea how they've all coped up till now before this app came on the scene?
  17. I've got essembee's number if you need any technical help?
  18. Is it restaurant quality though?
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